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Every Friday, I watch the sunrise.

And every Friday, I watch it with a man. I don't know this man's name, nor does he know mine. We sit on the same bench at the top of the hill in a little park with the view of the distant landscapes. A pretty little place secluded by willow trees and rosey bushes that bloom in the spring. Pathways of white cobblestone that resemble quartz walkways and black hanging lamps that dangle from the trees make it feel like our secret garden.

The first time I went, a shower of shooting stars was predicted to take place on a particular Friday in the winter. Unsurprisingly, the park was bustling with giggling children and families holding hands, all of which were squeezing onto whatever surface could work as a bench. The few benches dotted around the park had long been occupied by elderly and people who had arrived ahead of time for the best seats.

It had been weeks since I'd been allowed a day off from work and the exhaustion was likely evident on my face as I shifted from leg to leg, unable to get comfortable with my aching muscles. My unnamed sunset watching companion glanced up at me at the time and shuffled over to allow me some space on the bench beside him. It was dark, I never got a good look at him but I was also unaware of the way destiny would tangle our fates in such a way. In response, I whispered a thank you and sat on the edge of my seat completely conscious of the lack of room for an ordinary person. He didn't complain. I relaxed.

We watched the meteor shower, never once exchanging words but absorbing the scene in a mutual silence. I remember that day as if it were playing a film behind my eyes every time I recalled it.

The sky was a gradient of blue, hues ranging from astral to indigo. Every point that the eye ran over the expanse of the sky, a winking star smiled in response. The shooting stars that travelled overhead were carriers of wishes from old and young, each one sprinkling a flurry of hope and excitement for the children riding on the shoulders of their parents.

For me, they were a distraction; an object to hold my attention, just a journey away from reality. I was grasping at every gripping second of it till the moment the stars had long since moved on and the crowds of people had headed home with their wishes made.

By the time I had dragged my attention away from the scene, the park was empty. A single breeze whisked through the trees, producing the sound of rustling leaves and my mind snapping back into reality.

For a moment, everything was still. I was completely convinced I was alone until the sound of a deep exhale reached my ears. Slowly, I turned to my left. He was there. He was still sitting there and he was… asleep. I was unsure how to react; many questions crossed my mind at that moment.

How long had he been asleep for? How long had I been sitting there for the sun to show signs of rising? What was I supposed to do with this man?

I allowed myself a brief study of his appearance. He had ebony black waves that ended just below his shoulders and a light scattered stubble on the lower half of his face. Dark circles dipped beneath his eyes that boasted lengthy lashes I was a little envious of. The faintest freckles were dotted on his porcelain skin. As he remained in a sitting position throughout his slumber, his head had fallen forward and was resting in the ribbon looking rope wrapped around his neck. Whether it was a fashion statement or an unravelled bandage, I was unsure. Black seemed to be the look he was going for seeing as he was dressed in it from head to toe. He napped quietly and softly, contrasting the dark and intimidating look he exuded. It was cute.

Unfortunately, that was the most I was able to discern from his appearance and an age estimate was out of the question. He was either similar in age to me due to the youthfulness of his skin or he was a middle aged single dad of three looking for a quiet place to catch up on some sleep. I almost laughed out loud at the comical scene before me.

To Be Opposites (Aizawa X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now