Field Trip (2/2)

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"Get Down!" Y/N called out, running to help his classmates to safety, the Avengers rushed at the attacker, as the class ran out of room they were rounded up by HYDRA soldiers, Y/N tried to fight them off but was knocked out momentarily, when he woke up Wanda and Pietro were taken away, They seemed to be wearing some sort of collar. "Wanda, Pietro."

"Y/N!" Amy's voice brought Y/N back into reality, he swiftly snatched the gun from a HYDRA soldier and shot him with a capture setting on.

"FRIDAY, give me and the guys some music." Y/N said as he checked the ammo, he kicked the double doors leading to the Q&A room open and walked through with the gun in one hand.

The stereo started blurring 'Shoot to Thrill by AC/DC' as Y/N walked into the room to see around thirty soldiers.

"Nice choice kid."

"Someone go find Wanda and Pietro, I've got to secure this room." Y/N answered as he ran at the first soldier and slid into them shooting them in the stomach with a stun round.

He was too fast for any of the soldiers to hit him, he was wiping the floor with them, it was like the god of war had just been unleashed upon them. He had just witnessed his siblings get kidnapped, his friends were in danger it was a fairly well educated guess that he was beyond pissed at this point. Amy peeked through the door to see Y/N stunning every single attacker all to the sound of the music.

She was shocked to see him like this, it was like another person was controlling him, he was sparing them too which was a shock to everyone. As he tore through the fresh hordes of enemies the Avengers apart from Nat were fighting the soldier on the hover board, Nat was trying to save Wanda and Pietro.

"Kid, you got sixty more heading your way." Tony called after a performing a scan of the building.

Y/N readied himself for another wave, as they burst through the door he jumped out from behind it, surprising them all enough that he simply emptied the stun rifle into the crowd of soldiers. The hover board soldier had flown away, The remaining Avengers arrived and helped Y/N clear up the attackers who stayed behind, Y/N left them to it, returning to the class and helping them out of the building.

As he reached the front entrance Amy ran up to him and embraced him.

"Amy I need you to do what you can to help the class out, I'm going to find my siblings." Y/N said as he ran off into the city. "FRIDAY, where are Wanda and Pietro?"

"I'm sorry but their trackers have been destroyed."

"Of course, never that simple is it." Y/N muttered under his breath.

Plane to Sokovia:

"Excellent, prepare them for conditioning, I want them to tear the Avengers apart." Strucker said as the plane took off, he looked down at the captured children.

"Yes Sir." The HYDRA scientist said as he set to work.

Wanda and Pietro were forced into power dampening collars along with straight jackets.

"Our family is going to find us you know, they'll stop you, if your lucky our mother will kill you before Y/N gets to you." Wanda said as she laughed at the scientist.

"I hope they find you, you're going to tear them apart. For HYDRA." Strucker laughed as he left the room.

Avengers Tower, New York:

"Friday can you scour CCTV, find out where they went?" Y/N asked as he paced around the briefing room.

"Y/N just calm down, you need to think carefu-"

"My Brother and Sister have been taken by HYDRA so don't tell me to calm down!" Y/N snapped at Steve, Rogers wasn't angry, he knew it was hard for Y/N, Wanda and Pietro are his family and they're gone.

"Y/N." Nat warned as Steve gestured for her to leave it.

"I need air." Y/N said as he left the room walking out to the balcony. He pulled out his phone and called Amy to check if she was alright.

"Hey, you alright Y/N."

"I will be when I find Wands and Pietro. Nothing new, you still at the school with the cops and class?" Y/N asked as he ran his hands over his face.

"You'll find them. You know I saw a bit of the fight today, you were pretty badass." Amy said as Y/N looked out over the city.

"Not badass enough, I let them down Amy-"

"Y/N Romanoff! You did nothing of the kind, you did everything you could, just like I know you're doing now trying to look for them, You'll get them back, that I know." Amy said as Y/N smiled to himself.

"How are you and the class?"

"I'm fine, a little shaken by it but I'm fine, Peter and the group are fine, Flash and Bell are still shitting themselves from when they were threatened by the Avengers." Amy said as Y/N was happy at least his class was safe. "Hey, do you um...wanna meet up sometime soon, talk about all of this...maybe over a coffee or something?"

"Sure, name the time and place, it'd be nice to talk to someone other than the Avengers." Y/N remarked as Amy tried to think of a place.

"How about tomorrow, coffee shop near school, say about lunchtime?"

"I know the one, sure, I'll see you then. Stay safe." Y/N said calmly as they both hung up the call. Y/N pocketed his phone and slumped against the wall.

"Mr Romanoff, the Avengers have a lead on a Hydra facility." FRIDAY said, Y/N immediately stood up and rushed into the briefing room.

"Kid, we got a location on a HYDRA base, we don't know if it's the one Wanda and Pietro are held at but it's better than nothing." Tony said as they readied for combat, Y/N went to grab a weapon when Nat stopped him.

"You're staying here."

"They're my brother and sister." Y/N snapped as he went for the weapon.

"I know, I'm not rescuing them just to tell them their brother died trying to save them, Stay here, please, for me and them." Nat said as she looked Y/N in the eyes.

"Fine." Y/N said as he stormed out of the room.

Earths Mightiest Family (REWRITE) [Male Reader x OC]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu