Warmth I found in you

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Your voice is a warm blanket,
as if you knew the colder I get, the more I couldn't take it.
The pitch is unique, like it's own symphony,
The more I heard it, the tighter the grip pulling you close to me.
Vibrations are shaking my ice, cold heart,
feeling it melt thinking it's a start.
I was trapped in a blizzard, blinding by snowflakes,
Through the harshness of the wind, I hear you, and the ground beneath me starts to shake.
My tears were starting to freeze as I was endlessly crying,
searching desperately to cling on to something to keep me from dying.
A force from within stopped me in my tracks as you started to speak,
Ah...so innocent and pure,
so I fell to my knees and began to weep.
Finally someone felt the pain as a result from my fears,
at last, I see the light after so many years.
Wait! NO!
This calming feeling...I don't understand,
regardless, you leaned forward grasping my hand.
I'm reluctant to grab it,
what if it won't save me from sinking into a deeper pit?
Unconsciously I vigorously shake my head as it starts to spin,
My old life is over, it's time to start over again.
I started to internally sufficate,
as my heart continued to break.
Through my agony, I hear a soft whisper
and at tha very moment, I let go and surrendered.

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