Little Beach Party

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"What happened" Nicole was the first to speak up

"We fell asleep" Michael responded very impatiently, he looked like was stressing for some reason

"Huh that must be an affect of my coconut aroma. Weird" Quinn looked at the bottle in her hand

"You're weird" Logan and I spoke in unison, high-fiving each other at the end of our sentence

"What time is it" Zoey asked yawning

"11:46" Michael practically screamed, causing us all to look at him shocked

"The last bus for Mystic Beach leaves at noon" Chase began to freak out

"How are we going to get there in 14 minutes" Nicole asked also beginning to freak out

"We gotta go now" I yelled pushing everyone towards the door, we all sprinted out Zoey, Quinn, and Chase turning around and running back in the room when they realized Dustin hadn't followed us. The rest of us sprinted to our rooms and grabbed everything we needed for the beach and met up where the bus was supposed to pick us up. As we all ran up, the bus pulled away with no intentions of stopping

Everyone started complaining that there was no other way for us to get to the beach and how we were gonna miss the party when Logan spoke up

"Why don't we just call a cab" he asked like it was an obvious solution, causing all of us to look at him like he was crazy

"Mystic beach is like 55 miles from here"
"Do you know how much a cab would cost" Nicole and Zoey said looking at Logan once again like he was crazy

"Gee, if only we knew someone who had a very rich daddy, and that person had their very rich daddy's credit card" Logan pulled his dads card out of his wallet, causing smiles to take over everyone's face

"Ugh, Logs I love you" I planted a giant kiss on his cheek

"I love you too pretty girl" he looked at me with a giant smile on his face, both of us forgetting that our friends were standing right next to us

"Okay enough with the mushy couple stuff, Logan call a cab" Michael yelled, causing us to snap out of our trance

It was only a matter of time before we pulled up to the beach, all of us jumping out of the van cheering in excitement. I grabbed Logan's hand and intertwined our fingers as ran down to the beach, which we found to be very empty

"Uhhh where is everyone" I looked up and down the beach only to find it completely empty

"Maybe we beat everyone here" Nicole asked shrugging her shoulders, that quickly being shut down by Chase who said that we left after everyone so they should all be here

Dustin who was on Chase's shoulder suddenly started to wake up, so Chase put him on his feet as we all looked at him to see what he would say

"Where is everyone " he rubbed his eyes while looking around the beach before turning back towards us

"We're trying to figure that out" Michael responded as we all just kept looking around

"Are you sure you gave the cab drive the right address" Zoey asked looking towards Logan

"Yes I googled it, Mystic Beach is exactly 57 miles North of PCA" Logan responded very confidently, but that confidence was quickly gone when Dustin spoke up

"No it's not, Mystic Beach is south of PCA" everyone looked at Dustin to try and see if he was telling the truth

"Are you sure" Zoey questioned looking at her little brother

You're My Always//Logan ReeseNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ