A knight becomes a king

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"I know," Lily smiled, "And I'm glad to see the right kind of girl on the arm of my little Knight."

"Thank you," Hermione smiled, before she actually blushed when Harry placed a light kiss on her cheek, before she asked, "What do I call you Lady Evans?"

"Lily's fine," explained the Holy Knight of Light, "Or Aunt Lily; I don't really matter; same goes for you, young man," she added, now turning to where Neville was still in shock with the return of his godmother and the mother of his blood-brother, "I am aware that you and Harry are now brothers in blood and magic, so you can call me your Aunt as well."

When Neville gave a nod of response, Harry turned to Dan and Emma, both of whom were looking at him with sad smiles; releasing Hermione's hand, Harry moved across the room and hugged them both, his eyes closed as he spoke to them, "I just want to thank you for everything; I hope you'll understand why I can't call you Mum and Dad anymore, but you will always be my family."

"We know," Dan replied, patting Harry on the back as he heard soft sniffles from his wife.

"We'll always be here for you Harry," Emma added, her own eyes on Lily who, unbeknownst to Harry, was also smiling and, meeting Emma's eyes, mouthed the words thank you to her.

Releasing himself, Harry turned back to his real Mother, his hand now holding Excalibur once again as he asked, "So, is there anything else I need to know or can I just go ahead and open the gate again?"

"You can open the gate in your own time Harry," Lily explained, "But before you do, would you mind if I sent a little message to a certain someone we know and loathe? I want him to know that you are now beyond the reach of my extremely distant relative once and for all."

"Is that wise?" asked Sirius, "If Albus learns you're alive Lil, he'll do anything to see you and Harry back on his side."

"I think its very wise Sirius," Lily added, "Besides; I'd also like a certain Slytherin Head to learn that I'm back, so that I can see with my own eyes if his relationship to Harry is well and truly repaired."


While Lily was writing her returning letter, Harry left the room and made his way out to the front entrance of the House, his eyes now filled with joy and a sense of hope that he had not felt since Hermione's return to his side after the Chamber of Secrets.

From within his robe, Harry smiled to himself as he felt a curious head nuzzling his chest, before Iris poked her head out and, giving him a curious growl in her throat, she asked, 'Are you sure that you're okay Harry?'

'Don't worry about me Iris,' Harry replied, gently petting his young friend as he addressed her, her presence in his mind making him feel more secure than he had before, 'It's just a shock to see her; I mean, I grew up with the knowledge that I'd never see them again and now here is my Mother, a Holy Knight and alive and I have Merlin to thank. It'll just take time to adjust is all; are you all right with my Mother though? I haven't really introduced you to her yet.'

'No,' agreed the Silverback, 'But I feel her power and it shines like the sun; her light is as strong as your storm and I know that she cares for you; that makes her my friend as she is your Mother.'


Turning away from the door, Harry watched as Lily emerged from the lounge, her face adopting an almost awed smile when Iris poked her head over Harry's shoulder. Approaching her son, Lily gently stroked Iris' head, earning a smile of calm emotion from Harry as she told him, "She's a cute one: let me guess: Silverback?"

"Mum," groaned Harry, though he held a smile, "Your soul was infused with Excalibur; you'll have known everything about me."

"I could only feel while I was infused with your blade," Lily explained, "Or did you think it a coincidence that your anger always seemed to draw the sword out?"

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