info !

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—hello these are just some heads up for the fic! Please read if you can, to avoid confusions :D

》this is a historical fiction, by any means, könig of course wouldn't be in the military, and instead will be a Knight! This still isn't a fantasy fic, just a historical one.
[Where emperor/empress rule]
[Status are valued]

》reader's name will be zephyr! I feel as if using '[name]' or 'y/n' would make me feel a little uncomfortable as it is a whole book, and it will be hard. But that doesn't mean that I'll assign a specific gender, I'll still try my very best to depict zephyr using gender neutral terms !

》this fic will not include any smut scenes, I am a minor and will not write any of those. Furthest I will go will be mentions of the act, kissing, any form of affectionate physical touch !

》this will be the very first story I'll commit into making a whole wattpad book! So please expect errors/mistakes and etc. I'm still trying to learn and improve and work my way around !

Keep in mind it's 5 am I haven't slept so first episode may be a bit wonky!

WHELVE | a könig fic.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt