"You sure it's okay enough? I don't really like the colour-", I asked tilting my head.

"Oh shut up, you'll look amazing in this, actually you've just worn it once as long as I remember so yeah it's high time you start exploring your closet", Yeri said approaching me with the dress.

I chuckled at the statement, "It's because Mom keeps on buying skirts and dresses...you know I'm not pretty confident showing my legs so I don't really wear them until and unless it's some important event or just laying around in the summer".

"But I promise you, you'll kill this one today, go get ready, we'll do the makeup next and-"

"May I come in?"

We all looked at the door and it was Tzuyu. She had been really busy for quite a few days. Sometimes she skipped breakfast and sometimes she spent her nights at her office so I didn't get to spend enough time with her these days.

"TZUYU MY BABY COME HERE! I HAVEN'T SEEN YOU IN SO LONG" Yeri directly skipped to her and hugged her before I could.

"HEY THAT'S MY SISTER!" I protested.

"You come here too" Tzuyu chuckled and opened her arm to me.

"What about me?" Heejin pointed at herself.


Heejin smiled and rushed towards us, embracing us all into a group hug of four.

"So a girls' night before Jackson's wedding?" Tzuyu suggested.

"HELL YEAH!" we all exclaimed at once.

She then broke the hug and looked around my room, "But what's happening right now?"

"Hmm" I sat down on my bed and spoke out, "You see Mi-"

"Minho and his Dad are coming" Yeri completed my sentence making me whine and throw a pillow at her.

"I wanted to say that!!!" I pouted.

"Oh that's today?!" Tzuyu sat next to me saying that, "So you're dressing up pretty for him?"

"I don't need to, he likes me anyways" I said that at once but my tough facade soon disappeared as Heejin pointed at my flushed cheeks and I broke down into a huge smile.

"Aww our Suyoung has grown up, I still can't believe you are the same thirteen years old little girl who used to follow me around the whole day" Tzuyu said kissing my cheek.

"OKAY TIME'S RUNNING OUT, GET READYYYY" Yeri picked up my outfit and handed it to me shouting that out.

The living room was silent, we, the Nam siblings (+Yeri and Heejin), were giving each other glances every other second trying to read the room, especially our Dad, he looked totally blank, not mad, not confused, not depressed, not anxious, not happy, not excited, just BLANK.

"If this dinner ends up as a success, I'll be calling my boyfriend next" Tzuyu whispered.

"We aren't here to talk about our engagement please-" I huffed.

"Y'all remember that I'm getting married in two days right-"

"WE DO, NOW SHUT UP" Both me and Tzuyu whisper shouted at Jackson.

After a few seconds, the bell rang. I sat straight with anxiety at it's peak. We all looked at the entrance but...

"Why is everyone staring at me like that-" Eunbi said out making us heave a sigh of relief.

"Shhh come here honey" Jackson pointed at the seat next to him.

"Today Minho and his parents are supposed to join us for dinner" Yeri whispered.

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