Chapter 2. Lightning & Thunder

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As the resounding roar of thunder reverberated across London city, the magical community wondered about the mysterious source of thunder that boomed through the city streets. Devoid of any visible tempestuous skies, the bewilderment deepened, confounding even the erudite Unspeakables well-versed in the mystical arts, which led to the whispers of conjecture and suppositions amidst the magical community. It was evident that something truly extraordinary and unprecedented was occurring within the heart of London city.

Following the closure of an office door, a dishevelled man with his hair pulled back let out an audible groan. His intense emerald eyes fixated on the door, daring anyone else to interrupt his moment of solace. The ongoing storm outside had inundated his life with an endless stream of requests and questions from both wizards and witches. Despite the Ministry of Magic's official statement that the storm was not caused by magic (reports of tests confirming this), individuals continued to demand answers from him. Despite declining the position of Head Auror, they persisted in asking him to save them and sacrifice his life for their sake, time and time again. He was none other than Harry Potter, the legendary hero, yet all he wished to convey was that he was just Harry, a single father of three. His entire life now revolved around those three souls. He could no longer recklessly put himself in harm's way as he used to. His family depended on him, and he couldn't bear to leave them orphaned like he was.

"Potter!" Harry's door flung open, revealing a redhead in an auror uniform.

"Bones", Harry droned. "Do you not know how to knock." His green eyes looked at her boredly.

"No. Not after what you have just done!"

"-and what have I done?" Harry rolled his eyes, knowing what was coming.

"You rejected the head Auror position!" Bones slams her hand down on his desk. Harry doesn't flinch. "Do you know who they have in mind for it now?"


"Tiberius Mc-Fucking-Laggen!" the redhead fumed.

"Oh shit..." Harry groaned.

"Oh shit, indeed", Harry stared blandly up at her as she glared down at him, "instead of having a kind but strict head who would have treated us all equally and respectfully. We will now have a misogyny, conceited pillock!" Bones pushed herself back off his desk and took a deep breath in. "But be thankful that Hermione and I have some sway over the others and an added bonus that Kingsley is on our side. Also, it helps that Mclaggen isn't an auror." Bones plopped herself in the chair across from him and looked at him sternly. "You've got a year-"

Harry sits up straight and glares at her. "No-"

"Shut up, Potter. You have a year to make a decision. By then, Lily will be in primary, and you will have eight hours free, five days a week." She cut him off. "You have been a trainer for three years, giving the department the best newbies we have ever seen. You bring out the best in all the Aurors, and they are loyal to you. How do you think they will react when someone like McLaggen gets the position that is meant for you? They will Revoult!"

Harry does flinch. He can imagine the chaos in the department, even the country if someone like McLaggen took the position. "Even with a year up, I will still say no. I have my three kids to think about. I can't put myself in dangerous situations that could leave my children orphaned!" Harry raised his voice, his anger coming out. He couldn't understand why everyone was so desperate for him to take the position. "My kids come first!"

"Oh fuck off", Bones retorts. "You're just scared," she shouts back. "My aunt was my only family, and she took the Head position. And she had plenty of time to care for me. Plus, we both know the position is a cushion job. Why else would someone like McLaggen even be a choice for the position? You don't go out in the field! It's why my Auntie worked her bloody ass off to get that position. But here you are-" she looked at him with disdain. "They offer it to you on a silver fucking platter, and you say no! Bloody, take that position, Potter, and your kids will know you will be safe and coming home every night. Staying here as a teacher only puts you at risk! The new head can pull you out and put you back in the field at any moment! Just because you got a good deal with Robards doesn't mean you will get it again. McLaggen will throw you into every mission and parade you like a shiny toy."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2023 ⏰

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