Start from the beginning

"Yeah," she murmured quietly. Then, the sudden reminder of what she'd promised her time to today hit her and she straightened up a little, glancing at her two companions. "Actually, uh, speaking of which, I gotta head out."

Libertus raised an eyebrow at her, turning his head to watch as Aaralyn made a beeline for the dock leading out of Galdin. "What's got you in such a hurry?"

"I promised the others I'd do something with them today!" she called over her shoulder. "I'll meet up with you guys tomorrow—we have a supply run early, yeah?"

Nyx's grin was knowing as he called out for her. "Sounds good, kiddo! See you then, tell the others I said 'hi', and I'm sorry for missing it. Be safe!"

Libertus squinted at his best friend. "Well clearly, there's something I'm missing."

Nyx laughed. "I'll tell you later."

Aaralyn turned briefly to wave at them and then picked up the pace. The dimly glowing lamps illuminated her path as she headed down the dusty dock towards the parking lot. It was lit up with floodlights and car headlights, with Glaives and Hunters alike loading and unloading trucks. Those already carrying boxes were either heading up to the Quay or were walking along the beachside, using them to set up barbed fencing along the coast. They hadn't encountered any sea daemons yet, but they didn't want to find out what they could do if they did show up. They'd already found way too many fish that'd been infected with the Plasmodium to take any chances.

Aaralyn ducked her way between a few chatting Glaives and down the stairs to jog along the beachside. The haven on the opposite end of the beach was bioluminescent in its glow. The tents were already pitched there—it appeared Aaralyn was the last of the group to arrive. She could already see Ignis hard at work on dinner (or breakfast? Time had lost meaning) while Cassielle and Gladiolus were lounging in chairs around the fire they'd gotten started, chatting amiably with Prompto. Autumn was at a separate table, counting out items and making sure they had everything they needed for tonight.

Aaralyn made her presence known by deliberately making her footfalls on the stone of the haven a little louder than she needed to as she climbed the slope. Heads turned to meet her. Cassielle's expression lit up in delight.


"Hi," Aaralyn said, a bit breathless from her jog over. Cassielle shot up from her chair and rocketed into Aaralyn to hug her. Prompto and Gladiolus followed her over, the latter of which made a show of looking Aaralyn up and down with an amused grin.

"A year doesn't change you much, does it?" he remarked, smirking at her as she untangled herself from Cassielle to climb into the safety of the haven.

"I've changed a lot more than you did," Aaralyn shot back.

"Comes with my good looks," Gladiolus said flippantly.

"Yeah it does," Cassielle smirked at him.

"Alright, tone it down there, you two."


Aaralyn pretended to scoff, but was unable to hide her grin. She sank down into the camp chair that had been left for her while Cassielle plopped herself in the one beside it. Gladiolus sat beside her, looking around his girlfriend to observe Aaralyn.

"How'd your reconnaissance go?" he asked.

"Really well," she said brightly. "Turns out the boat really was there. Now all we have to do is get it free and get Cid or Cindy to do a quick repair check and we'll be on our way to Angelgard. Gotta admit, Talcott's resourceful as hell. I'm surprised he knew enough people to get that tip."

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