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Once Upon a Time in Hollywood there was an orange cat named Danny who had Big Dreams he wants to be an actor in Hollywood and he's got his dream however one human girl Darla Dimple after her defeat she lost everything she wanted Revenge so badly that she heard of a sacred place where a female demon has been prison for a very long time she went to that sacred Place only to find out three other people there people are: phineas t ratchet ( robots ) tortoise John ( Rango ) and victor maynott ( A Monster in Paris ) the three other villains claim to have come here as well to give revenge on the heroes so together they summon the female demon they told her that I want revenge on the heroes and is there any way that they can get revenge the demon thought and thought until she came up with an idea she gave them a powerful red liquid she said that if a villain drink said they will collapse and die claiming that it's poison thanking the demon the four villains went to add the mysterious liquid darla Dimple went back to Hollywood and place the red liquid into Danny and his friend's champagne once the suit was over Danny and his friends went to drink their champagne and just as expected they collapse Darla then drag their bodies into the forest and left them there thinking that they're dead little does she know that this was just the beginning of her nightmare as soon as she returned she claimed that Danny had a horrible car accident and that he is not coming everyone believed her and they decide to make her the lead role of a new film on day 10 however it was the premiere of the classic film Darla was super excited because she has become the star of Hollywood again but all of a sudden Danny showed up with his friends Darla was confused on how did he survived but what they saw was so terrifying Danny colors were darker, he had red claws, sharp teeth, and his eyes were black and red with black liquid coming out of them. Then all the sudden Danny made an announcement that these humans but trade him they don't care about him they just want to get rid of him then all the sudden fire came out of nowhere Danny and his friends begin attacking and killing humans with betrayed them Darla was so scared she didn't know what happened the liquid was supposed to poison them but cats don't dance's characters aren't the only ones with strange villainous behaviors three other films saw as their characters ( Robots, Rango, and a monster in paris) all murdering and hurting humans they refuse to listen to anyone thankfully a hero came he said that the liquid that the heroes has placed into their drinks was actually a virus that turns any hero from good to evil and that there's no cure for everyone's safety they must banish the heroes from their worlds forever

villain/hero hybrids AU Where stories live. Discover now