Chapter 4 - Close Escape

Start from the beginning

Today we will be looking at how painful death can be from different slugs! A teacher said to the class.

Yes Ms. Clove. The whole the class replied.

First up, Dirt Urchins. They are one of the most painful ways you can die. A spine going through a human body would not impale someone, it would fly right through them leaving blood to drip everywhere with no means of being able to plug it by the spine.

"Pssst Flower!" A young Alyssa said.

"What Lyss?"

"I don't understand why they're teaching us this, aren't we too young?"

"I agree, although I will never understand school."

"Me too. That Dirt Urchin death thing sounds painful doesn't it?"

"Yeah. Thanks for pointing out the obvious."

"Jeez, bad day?"

"No... Maybe."

"What's wrong?"

"Mum and dad fought with each other again this morning. They were fighting this morning before I walked here and my ears wouldn't stop hurting. The only reason I can sleep at night is because of my Slyren, Yang."

"Oh.. Do you wanna talk about it at lunch?"

"That would be nice." They smiled at each other.

"I still wonder, out of all the names you chose, you chose Yang. Also known as the person who sealed the Emperor underground." Alyssa said.

"I forgot about him- I named my Slyren, Yang because I wanted their name to match with your Slyren, which is named Yin, remember?"

"Oh. That's genius! I'm sure they'll be best friends when they meet each other."


"Is she aware that rhymes?" Alyssa whispered.

Flower tried her best to hold her giggles in but the face she was making was obvious.

"Fine then, answer this question and I won't give you detention." Ms. Clove said.

"I'm listening miss." Flower replied.

"For once." Their teacher replied.

The class then attempted to try not to laugh but it was too hard to hold those giggles in.

"ALL OF YOU QUIET OR DETENTION FOR ALL OF YOU!! Now, one of you brats answer this. What is one of the most painful ways to die that I just said." 

"Stabbed by the spike of a Dirt Urchin." Replied both Alyssa and Flower at the same time.

"Good. Your off the hook this time. Now as I was saying....."


"MUM!!! YOUR ARM!!! I-ITS G-GONE!!! MUM PLEASE BE OKAY!" A teen Flower screamed at her mother.

"Flower. I'm not going to make it. Tell your father I love him. I love you as well Flower..." 

"NO!!! MUM!!!!"

Tears rolled down the teen Flower, they wouldn't stop coming. Flower was crying as she was curled up in a ball next to her mother's dead body and behind a wall to prevent being hit by her slug. Sorrow was starting to be replaced by anger and hate. She had to calm herself and give herself the courage to see the one who had just killed her mother. 

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