Tear You Apart (Smut+Halloween)

Start from the beginning

"I'm from Ohio, I drive in this weather all the time. I'm a pro." He says like it's no big deal. "You were the one complaining about hurricane party's on tv a month ago. Pro my ass." You snort. "This is different!" He defends making him shake his head in annoyance. "What are you watching? Put on Scooby doo or something." Joe says and you snort. "Are you 9? It's Halloween, we're watching horror movies like the adults we are." You roll your eyes taking a bite of a cookie which was shaped like a ghost. "We can watch like Halloween cartoon stuff, it doesn't need to be this bloody nightmare that you're watching." Joe grimaces at the blood being splattered on the screen. "If you think this is a bloody nightmare, I can't wait to see what you think of the next movie we're gonna watch." You smirk at him, Joe rolling his eyes at you as he steals another cookie. Joe hated anything about horror genre, you invited him to watch IT in theaters once and he was complaining the entire time like a child. You guys eventually finish Texas chainsaw and start the movie Terrifier. "What is this? Looks disgusting all ready." He cringes at the first violent scene in the movie which made you laugh. "Will you just watch the movie and stop being such a damn baby." You sigh giving him a dirty look. "You're the baby." He mutters like a child making you roll your eyes at him.

" I have a question." Joe says not even giving you 5 minutes of silence to watch the movie. "What Joe..." You sigh looking at him knowing he wasn't going to let you enjoy this movie at all. "I know people are into weird sex stuff...you think anyone would fuck someone else in that costume?" Joe asks making you snort at the stupid question. "Maybe, I know Monica hooked up with a guy last semester who was into some super intense weird degrading kink shit." You shrug putting your attention back to the movie. "Would you be into...that sort of stuff?" Joe asks hesitantly which catches you completely off guard. "Since when do you care about what I'm into sex wise?" You raise an eyebrow at him and he just shrugs.

"You know...Stephanie hates my guts, you sure that you made the right decision in coming over tonight? What if she tracks your location and busts downs my door? " You ask him changing the subject and he snorts rolling his eyes. " I couldn't give a shit what Stephanie says about you. I'm through with her and you're the only person I share my location with anyway that's not my mom." Joe says and you bust out laughing. "What's so funny?" Joe furrowed his eyebrows at you, super unimpressed by your reaction. "You've said countless times before that you were done with her and she bats her little blue eyes at you and you're back in her hand like putty. She has you wrapped around her finger, get real Burrow" You roll your eyes looking back at the movie. "I'm serious Y/N, I had a whole night planned for us tonight, got her favorite food, wine, movies and even blew off my own friends for her. Just for her to ask if we could rain check tomorrow if she wasn't to hungover from the party tonight. I'm done." He shakes his head getting upset. You hated seeing Joe always upset at about his relationship.

Before you could answer, a loud clap of thunder startles you both and the light in your room which were just Purple and Orange Halloween lights, flicker for a moment and then go out immediately. "Great. There goes our movie night." You sigh reaching for your phone and turning the flashlight on. "Thank god, that movie sucked." Joe says going on his own phone, the light of it illuminating his face. "You know...you can just go back home. I'm trying to enjoy my Halloween and your pissing all over my parade here because your girlfriend sucks." You scoff looking for the lantern you kept from the almost hurricane you guys had a few weeks ago.

"Hell no, I'm not going back out there especially since where's probably no street lights on. You're stuck with me for the rest of the night, cause I'm not getting snatched out there by some ghouls... or gators." Joe scoffs shaking his head.  "Oh what happened to you're 'Mr. Ohio, I drive in weather like this all the time?' You roll your at him eyes finding the lantern and turning it on. It luminated the room pretty well so you set it on your night stand. Turning off the light on your phone, you see a text message from your roommates from a few minutes ago that they were staying at their friends place on campus because of the storm. They asked if you were okay. You let them know that Joe was with you and you guys currently had no electricity but that everything was pretty much okay and hoped they all stayed safe.

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