Chapter 1

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2022.03.03 - Seoul, South Korea

I try my best to slip into the dance studio without distracting the TXT boys from what they were working on but the second I set my things down they all interrupt the Choreographer Kyle and wave at me. I wave back and they turn their attention back to Kyle. I listen in while I change my shoes.

"We will be re-choreographing 0X1=Lovesong for a stage performance and I felt like we could use some extra help to portray the story of the piece. For the stage performance, there will be an extended intro which I have asked Mae-Young to choreograph her own solo dance to," Kyle explains as I join the group, "are you able to show us what you have?"

 "Yeah I can do that," I respond as I move to my position to start the dance. The boys all move to the edge of the room and Kyle starts to music.

My body starts to flow freely to the song and any nerves I felt prior have gone away. The extended intro was slower and quieter so I was able to mix in some ballet and hip hop. I hit the final pose of sitting on what would be the corner of the stage, and looking up at the ceiling, almost as if I was in love. 

The beat picks up and the vocals start so Kyle turns off the music and the boys applaud. I let a small smile and get up as Kyle starts to place the boys in their starting spots. He places everyone except for me and Beomgyu.

Kai notices this, "Kyle, why aren't Beomgyu and Mae-Young placed yet?"

Kyle smiles, "Well I'm glad you asked that. Since Beomgyu and Seori sing together a lot in this song, I decided that they would tell the story of the lovers." 

Yeonjun groans, "Come on, she's usually my dance partner. She actually dances well and Beomgyu is going to trip over his own feet."

I fight back a smile, he was right, Beomgyu is not the greatest dancer, I could dance circles around him. It would be nice to dance with someone besides Yeonjun for a change but Beomgyu is slow, it's not that the dances are hard for him but he messes around a lot, enough to slow the entire process down.

"The decision is final, now let's get to work," Kyle claps his hands together and then places Beomgyu. He'll teach them the dance and include my specific parts as we go. I learned the choreography from Kyle yesterday so I do the moves with them. Most of my time was spent whispering the next moves to Beomgyu because he doesn't know how to pay attention.

After an hour of working through the first half of the dance, Kyle backtracks to the beginning of the song and we run through it. When we get to Beomgyu's part of the first verse he runs his fingertips from my shoulder down my arm and as he tries to grab my hand I take a couple of steps back and dance away. 

We run the first half of the dance through to near perfection and Kyle takes a video of the last run-through for us to be able to practice with. As we get to the end of the first post-chorus Beomgyu pulls me to him too soon and I almost fall on my face but he catches me first. 

"Are you okay?" he asks as I stand up out of his grasp.

I don't answer his question and respond sternly, "You pull me on beat 4 not on beat 2."

"Right," he mutters as Kyle tells us to restart so he can get a perfect recording of it.

"If you stopped messing around during rehearsal, I wouldn't have to tell you that," I state as I get in place for the extended intro. 

After a near-perfect run-through, Kyle keeps Beomgyu and me back but lets the others have a break. He works with us on our parts together to make it seem less rigid, which is Beomgyu's doing. 

"When you pull her into you, actually pull her into you. I promise you won't hurt her, and I want you to look down at her like you want to kiss her but she won't be looking back at you," Kyle explains as Beomgyu nods.

"Do you have any preference on where I look?" I ask.

Kyle purses his lips as he plays out multiple scenarios in his head, "close your eyes and tilt your head down a little. The last thing you want is to fall in love too."

"But we all know it's what you're wishing for," Beomgyu jokes, and I glare at him. 

Kyle gives us a couple of measures of the song before we get to the move he really wants to see, but once again Beomgyu pulls me towards him too early and I almost trip. 

"Beomgyu, she will lock eyes with you to let you know she's ready for that move. You keep pulling her too early, you both can get hurt from that," Kyle says and I nod in agreement.

We start at the same spot in the song as before. Once I make eye contact with Beomgyu he grabs me and pulls me into his body. My hands land on his arms and then I follow the instructions from Kyle before. 

Once Kyle pauses the music I open my eyes and he tells us not to move. He puts my hands on Beomgyu's chest and then puts his hands on my waist. Kyle then backs up and tells us what to do with our faces. Once we were set he takes a picture.

"That looks fantastic, you two are good for the day. Thank you for your time," Kyle says and he quickly collects his stuff and leaves. 

I quickly break away from Beomgyu and grab my water bottle from my bag. I wait patiently for Beomgyu to leave so I can have the studio to myself.

Beomgyu then grabs his keys and walks over to me, "The guys and I are going out for drinks and you're more than welcome to join. I'm the designated driver tonight, so you don't have to worry about getting home safe."

"I have plans," I lie.

He nods, "Okay well the offer is always there."

I watch as Beomgyu leaves and I let out a small sigh, the guys always ask me to hang out with them and I always say no, especially if they're going out for drinks. Alcohol leads to drunken mistakes and drunken mistakes are career enders. I strongly prefer the dance studio over any social outing. It's time to practice.

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