Aunt May's Party and The Demons

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[Spidey's phone rings.]

Spider-Man: Hm. It's Mr. Li. Hello?

"Was know, bad, when this was happening?" Miles asked


Martin Li: Peter, it's Martin Li. I just wanted to let you know we need a little extra time to get set for May's party-- I guess the cake delivery is stuck in traffic.

Spider-Man: Oh, sure thing. Just let me know when you're ready and I'll swing by.

"Wow, thinking about the amount of times you said stuff like that to me, how did I not know you were Spider-Man sooner?" Mary Jane asked

Martin Li: Great. Talk to you soon.

[He hung up. He got next call in the middle of fighting.]

Spider-Man: Hi, Mr. Muggins. If this is about the rent --

Landlord: Mr. Parker. This call serves as your third and final warning. Eviction proceedings-

Spider-Man: Wait! I get paid end of the week, I can --

Thug: Was that a rat?

Thug: Come on!

Landlord: Eviction proceedings will start Friday unless full payment IS received by close of business. Good day.

"Asshole" Tony blurted out

Thug: He's hurt!

Thug: This was supposed to be an easy pull!

Woman: Let 'em have it, Spider-Man!

Spider-Man: (on the phone) Hi, Mister Li.

Martin Li: Hey Peter, we're all set for the party, whenever you're ready.

Spider-Man: Cool! I'm on my way.

[Spidey swings to F.E.A.S.T.]

Peter: Mr. Li is probably in the kitchen, getting ready for the party.

[He sees some homeless playing chess.]

Cam: Hey, Peter.

Peter: Hey guys, how's the game going?

Cam: How's it look like it's going? I'm winning.

Eileen: Get this guy checked for dementia, Pete. I'm crushing him.

Peter: Well, the important thing is having fun.

Eileen: I have a lot of fun whooping his ass.

Cam: In your dreams, crazy lady. Want a game, Pete? We play for peanuts.

Peter: Too rich for my blood, I'll leave you to it.

Ernie: Hey, Peter, what's up?

Peter: Just dropping in. Hey. Martin, so sorry I'm late.

Martin Li: You're right on time. Just keep her distracted while we get everything ready.

Peter: You got it. Hey, there's my favourite aunt... do you need help with anything?

Aunt May: Peter! What a nice surprise. Uh, yeah, sure. Oh, there are some heavy boxes in --

Peter: NO! No, no! I mean, I mean... not yet. I mean. I came to, uh, I just wanted to talk.

"Real smooth."

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