3 - Bar Date

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Tonight Liz and I where going out to a club for some drinks. I was also planning on asking her to be my girlfriend tonight. I hope she says yes. We have been spending basically any and all free time together, not to mention we made out a few weeks ago.

I currently was driving to her house to meet her. When I got there I knock on the door waiting for her to answer. When she does she was wearing a shot red dress that made her look amazing, even though she looked amazing in everything she wore.

" Y/N I missed you" she says hugging me. " I saw you yesterday" I tell her. " but I still missed you" she wines pulling away scrunching her nose. "Your so cute" I tell he a grin crossing my face.

Lila come running out excitedly and jumps on me. She has a very happy look on her face. " I'm sorry girl Coops not with me" I tell her buts she just falls back on all four licks me and continues wagging her tail. " aw you just broke her little heart" Liz says getting down to pet her.

" I'll be back later , or tomorrow if I go back with Y/N ok girl" She explains to her canine counterpart. Lila let's put a soft wine putting her paw on her arm.

It was one thing that makes me love her even more was her bond with her dog. She really was the most amazing and special girl I ever meet.

" Come on let's get going" she says grabbing my arm and dragging me to the Uber we had got incase we get to drunk to drive.

After a short ride we get out of the car and pay the drive. When we enter Lizzie drags me to the bar to get drinks. " I'll have a margarita" she tells the bartender " I'll take the same" I tell him. Once we get the drinks we find a secluded both to sit our stuff.

" Come on let's dance" she yells excitedly dragging me for like the 3rd time tonight onto the floor. " Come on you call that dancing dork" she exclaims shouting so I can here her over the noise.

She grabs my hands and starts dancing to the music making me join in. " Your such a bully you know that" I tell her but she just smiles at me " But you still love me for it" she responds and goes back to dancing.

A wile later we retuned to the bar to get more drinks. Though in hindsight we probably should have had a little because after a wile we where very drunk. Drunk to the point that Lizzie was grinding on me.

" Hey Lizzie I have a question for you" I say hoping that the intoxication will help give me confidence. " what's that handsome" she questions seductively running her hands down my chest. " Would you like to officially be my girlfriend" I slightly bite my lip awaiting her answer.

" duh I'll be your girlfriend I've been waiting for you to ask" she says and presses her lips on mine. It was one of the best kisses I've ever had and had more passion then the first one. We break for air a minute later and rest our foreheads on one another.

I lean back in quickly and recapture her lips in mine. This time it quickly becomes more passionate and I end up slammed against a wall.

" let's go back to mine" I mumble to her lips. At that we quickly pay and grab our stuff then wait for our Uber we make out some more then stumble in it quickly buckling then telling our driver my address.

When we finally got to my house I swiftly picked her up by her thighs and carie her inside and up to my room.

Her arms move up to my neck and I take this time to reach behind her to unzip her dress. The red fabric falls from her shoulders and lays around her ankles. This leaves her in just her black lacy undergarments.

" God Liz your beautiful" I tell her laying her down. I started sucking on her neck leaving small marks till I find her sweet spot. " Y/N harder" she moans lightly from the pleasure. I start massaging her breast softly earning another moan from her.

She arches her back allowing me to unclasp her bra. After it's off she chucks it across the room and it lands somewhere on the dark floor. " your wearing to many clothes" she wines trying to unbutton my shirt. She finally succeeded and I pull it off trowing it on the ground joing our other discarded clothes.

She again runs her hands up and down my chest feeling my abs. " Your so hot" she moans back against my lips. She reaches down for my belt unbuckling it pulling it off me and trowing it as well. She try to do the same with my pants but fails.

" Having trouble there" I question raising an eyebrow. She gives me a very angry glare. I prop myself up and pull down my pants leaving me in just boxers, and her in just panties.

In another kiss she stars palming my already harder member. " someone's eager" I say still in a joking tone. " Oh just shut it and fuck me already" she complains, her anger mixing with her alcohol consumption mad her so demanding it was cute.

" Ok baby but you asked for it" I remind her sternly. I quickly removed our barrier leaving us both fully exposed. I slowly push the tip in her slowly letting her adjust to my size. She lays her head on my shoulder and lightly bites me.
" God Your so big" she wines slightly.

" it ok I'm almost fully in ok" I reassure. Once I am fully in I wait a minute for her to get used to my size. She nodes softly letting me know I can move. I start out slowly trusting. " Harder" she moans to which I comply.

After a few minutes we are both close to our release. I feel her clench around me as her cum runs down my dick. After a few more thrust I finish spilling my seeds into her. I quickly turn us around so shes on top laying over my chest.

" That was amazing" she says her chest rising fast as she breaths. " Yes it was princess" I tell her lightly kissing her sweaty forehead. I see her heavy eyes trying to stay awake " Rest babe" I tell her sweetly.  A few minutes later we are both in a peaceful slumber.

So they are finally oficial what do you think, and I hope you liked it. Have a good day and night.

You're My Forever (Elizabeth Olsen x M!reader) On HoldOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant