Hold the girl

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All time ever does is pass
and all I ever do
is Remember
Sue Zhao

All time ever does is passand all I ever dois RememberSue Zhao

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Monsters are real. Flesh eating, bone crushing, blood drinking monsters, they're all real. Hiding in the shadows—maybe even in plain sight—they wait for their prey, ready to pounce and kill. They spew lies, throw daggers of hatred, grab you by the hair and call you dirty, worthless, a monster. Comparing you to themselves, the worst thing they could do.

Monsters are real. Katou Setsuna met monsters when she was just a child. Flesh eating, bone crushing, blood drinking monsters. They hid in the shadows, but most in plain sight, waiting for her, ready to pounce and kill. They spewed lied, threw daggers of hatred, grabbed her by the hair and called her dirty, worthless, a monster. Comparing her to them, the worst thing they could do.

                      Katou Setsuna sees herself as a monster. The blood on her hands proves this true, the bones that she's crushed, the flesh that she's torn into, it all proves true. She was a monster, there was nothing more to it. She is darkness, she is death.

                      Getō Suguru knows monsters. He met them when he was first a child, which is why he stands amongst the strongest today, fighting for and saving the weak from the flesh eating, bone crushing, and blood drinking monsters that lurk in the shadows, waiting to kill.

                      Suguru doesn't think Setsuna is a monster. He extends his hand, telling her to take it and pull her out from the darkness she's trapped in. She's not a monster, not in his eyes.

                      Monsters are real. They always have been. And in his attempt to save Setsuna, Suguru might fall into the darkness and become a monster himself. 

Katou Setsuna / Grade One

But it cannot be a mistake to have cared

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But it cannot be a mistake to have cared...
It cannot be an error to have tried...
It cannot be incorrect to have loved.
Nikki Giovanni

disclaimers —
i do not own any JUJUTSU KAISEN characters or plots, all rights go to the creator, gege akatami. however, i own all original characters and their respected plot lines.

warnings —
this book will contain manga/jjk season 2 spoilers, mentions of physical and verbal abuse, suicidal ideation, death, depression, and more.

authors note —
jjk is back which means my writers block for this fic is GONE. this has been in the drafts forever and i know i've mentioned a hidden inventory oc in other fics but i've just never published it. this has been in the works for a long time (probably since hidden inventory was published) and i'm so excited to finally have it published.

i know i say this literally all the time and then never publish any chapters but i'm genuinely so excited to write this. i love geto with all my heart 🫶

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