2. annoying friends

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hajime's pov:

it was currently christmas break, a few days before my birthday. i was hanging out with chiaki nanami, my best friend. she is sweet, calm, and quiet, and she loves video games. so most of the time when we hang out, it just consists of us playing games at her house, which is exactly what is happening.

she is totally kicking my ass.

she won again. "this is so unfair, i will never win!" i complained and slammed the controller down on the bed. she just laughed in response. after complaining for a bit, we finally started playing again.

"so, your eighteenth birthday is coming up soon. are you excited?" she asked. everyone has asked me this question, and they all get the same response.

i rolled my eyes, "it's just like any other birthday, what's so special about it?"

"well, you get your soulmate earbuds." she replied, even though she knows my opinion on that dumb myth.

"chiaki, we have discussed this. those are just a stupid myth, it isn't real. i mean, how can you talk to someone through earbuds that aren't even connected to anything??? that's so dumb." i muttered.

"but what if it's true? it would be so exciting to talk to your soulmate! come on hajime, have a little enthusiasm!" she said as she once again won.

i groaned, "it isn't true."


a few of my friends and i were at the mall the day before my birthday. these friends consisted of sonia nevermind, kazuichi souda, fuyuhiko kuzuryu, peko pekoyama, and chiaki. we were just walking around, going to random stores, goofing around like we usually do.

"you know what, we should all have a sleepover tonight!" sonia suggested with a smile on her face.

chiaki's eyes lit up at this suggestion and smiled, "that sounds like a great idea sonia!" she replied excitedly, and sonia's cheeks turn slightly pink.

"i mean, i'm down!" kazuichi replied.

"yeah, that sounds fun." i added.

"tch, sure. but that's a bit ya know, random? why mention it all of a sudden?" fuyuhiko asked.

"well, hajime's birthday is tomorrow! so we can celebrate with him first thing tomorrow, we can even stay up until 12 and sing to him!" sonia replied.

"hell no, that isn't happening." i muttered.

and sonia smiled at me, "oh yes, it is."

"plus, we can witness hajime getting his earbuds, i think." chiaki mumbled, and i rolled my eyes.

"yeah, whatever, i'm in. peko?" fuyuhiko asked, she nodded in response.

"oh yeah, soulbro, are you excited about your earbuds?" kazuichi asked with a sharky grin.

"you know what i think about that whole situation, it's just a stupid made-up thing. it isn't going to happen, i bet you." i muttered.

"oh cmon hajime, get over this little phase of yours." he rolled his eyes.

"it's just me being right," i sighed. "anyway, are you guys coming to my house?" i asked. they all just nodded, so we got something for dinner before stopping at all of their houses to get things for tonight.


it took a lot of setting up, but now everyone had a space to sleep in the living room. we did a lot, played those games that you always played at a sleepover, played video games, ate a lot of snacks, just discussed things, etc.

we were currently watching a movie, it was around 11:00pm when i last checked.

the movie was making me extremely tired and i ended up falling asleep. though, i was woken up by someone aggressively shaking me. i slowly opened my eyes and saw it was kazuichi.

"i'm gonna fucking kill y-"

"happy birthday hajime!" they all exclaimed.

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