Two weeks.

It's been two weeks since Millie and Jake announced their wedding date.

And I am pissed.

I understand that Millie and I can't be together but it hurts.We've been dating secretly since we were kids,since we were 14.

And she's been dating Jake for what,two years?

Before they got together,I was planning to propose.I knew I couldn't but I wanted to,I had to.I wanted for her to be officially mine.But then he came in the picture.

I know they've been dating for a while,but it looks like PR to me.It always will look fake to me.Fake.Because what they have is nowhere close to what her and I have.

I can't describe how I feel,not exactly,not quite.I don't feel used,Millie would never do that.I just feel replaced.Things have changed,and just because of a post.

We have to pretend that we don't hang out anymore.Because of Jake.And it's driving me insane.

I just wanna hear her voice.Have her next to me again,with no interruptions,no third people destroying what we have,and not the media to judge us for who we are.

But ever since that Instagram post,I've ignored her.I know it's childish and immature.I know it's not her fault.But every time I look at her, I think about how the ring on her finger is not the ring that I was planning to give her.

At least when we're filming she's not allowed to wear it,but I haven't had any scenes with her yet.

Every time I see her in the hallways and on set,I look away,avoiding her gaze,pretending she's not there at all.She hasn't tried to bring up anything,or to talk to me at all for that matter,but I just think she understands that I need my own space.


After filming

I plop down on my seat while the duffers walk in the room.The moment I sit down,Millie sits down next to me,making me regret choosing this seat all those years ago.

All I can do is ignore her.It's better for the both of us.

"Sadie."I hear someone call my name,looking up to see the duffers in front of me.

"What's up?"I ask.They look between both me and Millie,before looking at each other,and they say something that makes me frown.

"We're making ElMax canon."

Hello people reading this book, this is the same chapter it is just edited not by me though one of the great authors in here offered to help edit my story, Thank you so much vaehlovesdilfs this was very helpful and it's amazing 

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