"So Stolas where is your adorable owlet," I say excitedly as he led me to where Octiva was which was  the garden with some bodyguard imps and  her mother drinking wine

"Hello Stella I came to see Octiva"

"Hmmm oh of course I'll be inside drinking" She walk away to drink with her friends

To be honest It was meh I neither liked nor dislike Stella she didn't really care for Stolas at all and Stolas didn't really like their loveless marriage she just gets annoying with her constant insult to Stolas but I think their owlet Octiva would change that

"Hello Octiva Im Y/n this Charlie" as Charlie waves at Octiva 

As she turns around with her big red eyes and her black and white feather

"H..Hello you must be my daddy's friend," she said with her cute little voice

"Why yes why aren't you adorable like my little Charlie" I get on my knees and grab her cheeks and she hoots

"Charlie come here my demon belle" After a while of talking and playing Charlie and Octiva got along well and even played with Razzle and Dazzle 

(Time Skip to end of the party/I'm lazy)

Octiva and Charlie fell asleep even Razzle and Dazzle I had Charlie in my hand as Stolas had Octiva 

"Well we should get going Stolas Charlie fell asleep and Lucifer and Lilith have the stuff to do tomorrow," I said to Stolas as I gave him a hug and a pat on Octiva 

"It was nice having you here today even if we didn't talk much but Octiva seems to love you already" I chuckled at his respond

"Hope to see you again Stolas bye," I said as Luci and Lili waved bye at Stolas

After the ride to the way home, Lilith told me to hand over Charlie and I can have a day off since I haven't had a break in a while I said the limousine that I would love to be dropped off at a bar not really caring as I got out and said I'll be home around midnight safe ofc

Before I walk in I change my dress into a white blouse, black skirt, and a red vest with a bow and black fedora hat 'simple and I blend in perfectly'  I walk into the bar and see drunk people and gamblers I walk toward the bartender and order an Old Fashioned as I look around I spot a cat demon with wings struggling with winning  his gamble of poker and seems angry and stress I decide to test my luck and help this demon I'm in a good mood I grab my drink and some chips and place them on the table 

"Hello can I join you sir I'll put in 10,000 I don't care how much you put Im just trying to have fun right now how about you sir," I said with a sweet smile as demon cat tensed up and looked at me like I was crazy but didn't really protest the other 3 players all laugh at me

"That's quite a lot of money for a pretty lady for you think you'll be able to pay if not we can always make a negotiation," a demon dog about 7 feet said as he smirked in the end he put down 4,000

"Oh I know I hope you can be able to pay," I said with a sickly sweet smile 

As the card dealer gave us the card we began to play we all had our poker faces as a bat-like demon shows his card then a fish demon show his card both of them were upset then the cat demon next to me threw his card on the table and grumble from their loss and then the dog demon slams his card on the table 

"FULL HOUSE! Looks like you lost cupcakes now how about the payment" he said after a moment I look at him with a small smile then look down at my card and chuckle

"How are you so sure I lost " With a sadistic smile I take a sip of my drink and lay my card

"Royal Flush looks like I won ḑ̴̞͛̒ẹ̿͋̒̕ā̤̓̍͘r̦͕̝ and the debt he was in is paid so he off the hook" I look at the demon cat was shocked while I smile at him(like Shinobu from kny) 

"The game was fun how about a drink..." I waited for him to answer

"Husker and I don't own you anything you got that but ... I'll take the drink," he said turning his head shyly and scoffing

 I chuckle and pack the money in a suitcase as I hand it to him and walk over to the bartender I start a small talk and how he ended up almost in debt as we sit on the bar stool and I order another Old Fashions I look at Husker

"Seems like it wasn't your day drink anything my treat," I say as I sip on my new drink and rest my cheek on my palm

"Are you an overlord or something did you cheat on something like that?" he said with suspicious

"Haha No ofc not I play by the rules and no I'm not an overlord but I'm powerful I don't care about the hereditary if you ask me it's dumb and complicated everyone should be equal in my opinion but life ain't fair also not really into politics although it kinda my job I don't  really listen oops sorry I must have rambled too much hehe" as he orders his drink of cheap booze while I smile shyly with a hand on my mouth but he still listens

" Hmmm I don't really care to be honest just as long I don't die I find with that or find that shitty smile" he whispers in the end as I smile confuse


"Stop smiling it's creepy and reminds me of some shitty demon" he grumbles 

"Haha sorry I'm just happy to talk to someone who is not that scary of me and has the gut it's interesting very entertaining if you ask me" swishing my glass with just ice and looking away then back at him getting his opinion

"I guess so it's more interesting to find someone who doesn't want something in return," he said in suspicion

"Just try to help a soul be in peace and I just someone to talk to in return," I say with a genuine smile looking at my glass he seems to be relaxed trusting me

After a few hours, we kept talking about when we came here and how long we were here for and the extermination stuff he was quite comforting like a ... father figure but I barely met him after a while I think this talk will turn into a friendship I hope

"HAHAHA Your so hilarious Husker you should be a bartender or a comedian if I say so myself"

 My face is pink hues from the laughter and drinks and grin ear to ear as he just chuckles and kept drinking I look at the clock above the jukebox it was 11:43 pm my laughter die down

"Oh it seems I have t get going Husker I have nothing to do tomorrow maybe we can hangout I love spending time talking how about lunch at a cafe sound good to you," I say 

"Only if it's your treat Y/n" He smirks

"Ofc I did invite I couldn't let a lady like you pay," I say in a playful manner with a smirk as he rolls his eyes and chuckles

We bid our goodbyes 'Husker huh I hope this would lead to a good friendship' as I teleported home to the mansion and got ready to sleep washing my face/brushing my teeth and sleeping till tomorrow

(Sorry for the waiting reader honestly I have been lazy and unmotivated so I might update every 2-3 times a week)

(Sorry for the waiting reader honestly I have been lazy and unmotivated so I might update every 2-3 times a week)

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