A New Addition

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"HUH what do you mean your pregnant Lilith"

I was surprised by the news "Yes I am pregnant it is simple in 9 months I would have a baby" As she sips her coffee and I stood up and look at Lucifer that had a new paper covering him "Lucifer do you even know how to take care of a kid and the responsibility" "Ofc I do" I cocked my eyebrow "You mean with all the baby crying all night and day and the time you have to give a child" he nods "LUCIFER YOU DON"T HAVE THAT TIME Y...YOU ARE R..ruling hell" I let out an angry sigh "I can do both you are my right hand with you it makes it easier to rule also from time to time you can be a substitution you have been so it be easy for you" I hum 'Rats he rights it just a child in...hell is just unfair in this horrible place' as I look down and sat down "I guess your right also it is your guys choice but Lilth that means you'll have fewer shows" she nods " I'm ok with that I mean I get more time with you guys" she smiles sweetly at me I grin back 'I guess this would be easier oh wait ' "LILITH oops sorry I mean to say that I would still be your bodyguard and protect you from danger I have read that a pregnant demon women are at their weakest point seen their putting most their power into the body for...*ramble*" I stop myself from rambling and smile Lucifer and Lilith look at me in surprise "Im surprised you can read book my dear sister you seem to bother when it was papers" I rolled my eyes at him "I have been learning how to read demon language anyways Ill protect you no matter what" with a determined face

2 months later

Lilith was sitting on the couch with 3 pillows near her in Lucifer's office and had snacks on the table her tummy had got bigger after a while "Ugh y/n I am craving chocolate strawberries but their too far to make and my feet are hurting" she whines 'Lilith has been getting really emotional lately also cranky when her feet hurt or hangry also she does not trust a single of the maids only me and Lucifer for food' "Oh sure Lili anything else water, pastries, etc" she shakes her head and get comfortable as I walk away with some papers and folders I use my powers to make them dissappers to the kitchen "Hmmm something seems off" I walk to the fridge and see the strawberries and walk towards the sink and starting to wash them I squish one of the strawberries and look at it 'hmm it feels weird' after an awhile it turn to greenish goo it started to sting a little bit as I wash my hand I throw away the strawbriess and chocolate 'ugh I just go to the store and then kill the person who tries to kill Lilith" Also I appear in alleyway less sus as I turn the corner bonce on my steps 'It smell like blood and air how nice' Im in front of the store and walk in and immditaly head to the fruit section grabbing fresh strawbriess and chaclate heading to the counter and pay for the stuff with the bag in my hand I walk to near alley way only to be stop by jazz music 'Huh jazz i haven't hear it in a while hmm i think I have time' I look up it was a club I walk in and see it have a cozy light arua with jazz coming out a jukebox but it stop and the light dim and a performance was on display 'One show won't hurt' as I took a seat on bar stool the curtain(Swing Box) it ws a female singer who was plumping with purple lip as sehe started to sing she sounded really angleic. 'She so good' as I smile with a grin and swing feet and swing on the chair to the rhyme as I look at her and see others dancing 'I would dance but I have to lie low' As she finishes I sigh that it had to end and was about to leave when the same plumping women stop me "Well Hello darling your leaving quite quick you haven't even gotten a drink hun" "Oh I was just passing by the jazz caught my atttention and now im leaving" As I was about to walk around her "Well darling your quite the looker tell me can you sing how about singing 1 song sweetie" I look at her a thought about it 'Lilith need her strawberries or else she becomes hangry... but I haven't sung or gonna out for awhile I think Lili understand' "Sure I can let me just put this in away" as I flick my wrist and the grocery bag were gone she lead the way to the backstage she gasped and turnes around "Oh I forget where are my manners my name is Mimzy" "Y/N" as she hums " Well here we are you got a song to sing" I nod as she leaves

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