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Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

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3rd Person POV

Soo Oh was enjoying his bowl of cereal. As he took the last bite he sighed in content.

Hye Jin smiled at Soo Oh. "Want more?" she asked.

"Yes, please." he replied.

"There you go." Hye Jin poured more milk into his bowl and then handed him the cereal box.

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"The Imoogi met Lee Yeon today." Hae Ryong said to Rang whilst walking towards the tea set placed on the coffee table. "They told him that we have five hostages." he turned around to meet Rang's eyes. "Ji Ah, her parents, Hye Jin and you.

"But where is Lee Yeon right now?" Hae Ryong said as he poured himself some tea. "Did he even call you and say that he's worried about you?" he said, trying to trigger Rang.

"Don't be ridiculous." Rang scoffed.

Hae Ryong chuckled. "You have been abandoned, again." he continued to chortle.

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Yoo Ri and Shin Joo were still at Yeon's apartment and were chatting while having snacks when Yoo Ri got a call from Rang.

She happily answered the call. "Yes, Lord Lee Rang!"

"Is Shin Joo with you?" Rang questioned.

"What? Shin Joo?" Yoo Ri questioned unsure if she heard it right. The mention of his name gained his attention.

"He wants to talk to you." she said handing the phone to him.

Taking the phone in his hand and placing it on his ear, he said, "This is Shin Joo speaking."

"Where is Lee Yeon right now?" Rang asked him.

"He went to meet Producer Nam."

"So where is he?" Rang asked raising his voice a little.

"I'll ask him and call you back." he answered and when he heard a beeping sound that indicated the call had ended he gave the phone back to Yoo Ri who was looking at him with curiosity, wanting to know what had happened.

✔️ Lucid Dream | Tale Of The Nine TailedNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ