Willow Lane

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"Come on," I whined. "We will be fine, it isn't like we have never been before."

"No," Pedro shook his head resolutely. He sat on a chair with his back to me as he tinkered with a part from some broken machine he was fixing, a screwdriver in one hand. I watched his back muscles flex under his shirt from where I stood in the kitchen.

"Yes," I challenged. Pedro ignored me and continued working on the part. "Come on! Why not?"

He sighed and turned his head around to shoot me a scowl of exasperation. "I already told ya, Ally. The woods are big and it's easy to get lost around Willow Lane. People go huntin' there too. Group of men will rifles mightn't be so gentleman like if they come across a bunch of young girls by themselves."

I pouted at him but he just turned his attention back to the part in his oil stained hand. My friends and I had really wanted to go camping but when Pedro heard of our plans he expressed his disapproval immediately. I picked up my phone and started messaging the group chat.

Alessandra: Pedro says we shouldn't go 😒😤
Toni: hahahaha Adam said the same. And that there's hunters and they will shoot us or some shit 🤣 didn't think anyone hunted there though?
Alessandra: well apparently they do
Anna: they are so sexist! They think we are helpless children or something. Toni could kick a guy's ass anyway.
Ness: okay I have a plan 😈
Toni: what?
Ness: just get them to come along so they will stop being little bitches and we can get drunk and not have to worry about driving ourselves 😇😏
Anna: omg yes
Toni: lmao Ally you have to convince Pedro
Alessandra: okay I'll try

I tucked my phone in my pocket and padded over to Pedro. When I put my hands on his thick shoulders he did not acknowledge my touch, too focused on the task in his hands.

"Babe, you work too hard," I said softly and began to massage his shoulders. I pressed my front close against his back and leaned into the shell of his ear. "All you ever do is work."

"Keeps me busy and keeps food on the table," Pedro muttered absentmindedly. The screwdriver was retired on the ground and he was now cleaning the machine part with a rag. I watched how his forearms flexed with each movement of his hands. I placed a light gentle kiss on his earlobe.

"Mmm, I know," I cooed into his ear. I stopped massaging his shoulders and snaked my hands down the front of his chest. "But you need to have fun, too, papi."

Pedro stopped polishing and let the rag sit on his knee before he held the part up to his face to inspect it closer. Undeterred by his silence I fingered the top button of his shirt and leaned all my weight against his back. "Don't you wanna have fun?"

"What fun?" Pedro replied.

"Oh, you know....with the guys, drinking...and fun with me..." I murmured, unbuttoning the top button of his flannel. "Especially with me."

Pedro chuckled a little and sat up straighter, his broad torso spreading open and still holding my weight with ease. "Yeah?" He angled his head so my lips were against his cheek. "You like havin' fun with me?"

I nuzzled the stubble on his cheek. "Yes, I do," I replied silkily. "But I want us to do other things as well. Not just always stuff at home." I traced my fingers over his collarbone and shifted my face back into the column of his neck, giving it a few kitten licks. I felt a small hitch in his breathing and noticed him shift a little in the chair. Before I could continue my slow seduction, Pedro's phone started ringing, it's loud ringtone vibrating sharply against the tabletop where it sat and cutting abruptly through the intimate space we were sharing. I pouted in annoyance.

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