Time skip - 3 weeks later

Start from the beginning

Yn pov-

I wake up and Chris is still asleep

I watch him for a few seconds and see Matt walk in from his room

"Hey" he smirks and looks at us

"Hi" I look away smiling

I try to get up buy Chris's grasp around my waist tightens

"Stay" he whispers and doesn't open his eyes

I lay my head back down and kiss him

He kisses me back and I wrap my arms around his neck

"I love you" he whispers

I stay quiet for a second so he opens his eyes and looks at me

"I love you too" I smile and him and he kisses me

"I'm glad your back together but really your so gross" Matt says

"Let's go up to your room" I whisper

He sits up and doesn't let go of me and carries me up to his room

We lay down under his blankets the same way we did on the couch

I turn us over so I'm laying on him and kiss his face all over

"Ughh stop itt" he laughs

I ignore him and kiss the corner of his mouth like I always do and he kisses me back

"I missed this" he says an I nod

"You kept your ring on" he says

"Of course I did" I look at my hand

He smiles at me and I kiss him again

"Let's stay like this forever" I whisper

"Can you spend the night" he asks

"Can I wear your clothes"


"Then yes"

I get out of bed and open Chris's closet and take out a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie and beanie and change into those

I get back in bed and he clings onto me like a snap bracelet

"I always loved wearing your clothes" I put up the hood

"I always loved you" he says.

I close my eyes and start to fall asleep

"Your so gorgeous" he whispers and plays with my hair

I pretend I'm asleep and he kisses my upper neck and face

(Not in a sus way)

I do actually end up falling asleep and Chris does too


I wake up and Chris is still passed out


"Chris" I whisper

"Hm?" He hums

"We should get up" I whisper and his eyes open

I see him look at my neck and his eyes widen

"Oh shit" I whispers

"What..?" I get up and look in the mirror

"CHRIS" I yell

"Shit" he giggles

"You think this is funny" I jump onto him and start tickling him

"Stop it stop it" he giggles and rolls us over and tickles me

I push him off and run downstairs

"Woah" Matt and nick say in unison

"What" I ask

"Your neck" they point

"Oh my god" I put up my hood and grab a Pepsi

I go back to Chris's room and I drink it in front of him

"MY PEPSI" He yells

"MY NECK" I yell back

"Right" he looks at the hickey's he left

"Let's go to my house and film" I say and he nods

He grabs his phone and we walk into my house

"What're we filming" he asks

"Baking, we can film on my camera for my channel and go live on your phone" I say

I go into the kitchen and wash the counter

"Sure" he says and sets up his phone and starts a live on Instagram

I set up my camera on my tripod and start filming

"Hey guys, so this is gonna be a little  different than my usual videos, I'm here with Chris,  my boyfriend "

"The one and only" he says

"We're gonna be baking..what are we baking?" I ask

"Uhh cake" he replies reading the box.

"Yeah, cake, and also Chris is live so for anybody who isn't on his live can watch this to see what we did on live"

Chris puts up two thumbs ups

"Well also answer some questions from live" Chris says

I grab a cake pan and butter it

Chris starts making the batter and I preheat the oven

"Let me help" I take the whisk and I start stirring it

Chris comes up behind me and puts his hands on mine and mixes it with me

"Ok now let's pour the cake into the pan"

I pick up the bowl and we pour it into the pan and even it out

I put it into the oven and set a timer for 15 minutes

You and I - Chris Sturniolo Where stories live. Discover now