Chapter 1

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The rain was pouring down as I jumped out of my truck cursing to the storm clouds above, this had been the second time this week it had let me down. I knew the alternator was on its way out but I couldn't afford to do anything about it till next pay day so I had been relying on a jump start to get me home but now with the weather so bad as it was as if the county and its people had all run for cover. I popped the bonnet and stared at the engine but hadnt the slightest clue what the fuck I was looking at; kicking the tyre in frustration "Ohhh you heap of shit! I hate you right now!" I shouted like a mad woman waving my arms at the black rain soaked sky. The rumbling sound of a V8 engine pulled up beside me and the drivers side window rolled down half way.. "Excuse me Miss everything alright?" came a weathered voice from inside the F150, I wiped the rain from my face and stepped over towards the truck not being able to see a thing " Err well if you could give me a jump that would be great Mr.. please if that's not too much trouble" I replied to the invisible voice. "Well Maam.. no chance in hell is that truck going anywhere right now, jump in and I'll get my foreman to come and bring it up to us at the ranch when this storm has blown through".. I couldn't believe how cock sure this cowboy was talking like he owned the state.. "Oh yeah sure like I'm going to jump into a truck with a guy I don't know and go back to his "ranch" no thanks pervert".. I turned to walk away when I heard the truck door open and the sound of boots hitting the water soaked dirt, turning back around I felt my breath hitch in my throat as I saw who had stepped out of the truck " Jesus.. you're.." "John Dutton Maam" John finished my sentence for me, tipping his black cowboy hat "Now can I help you or not?" He smirked and raised an eyebrow, his eyes roaming over my soaked form then flicking back up to my face.. the small act alone made my stomach flip, everyone knew who John Dutton was..he pretty much owned most of Montana, and there was no denying the fact he had a very imposing manner and was very easy on the eyes even if he was probably 20yrs my senior. I nodded and walked around and climbed into the passenger seat next to him "So.. call me old fashioned but if I'm taking a young woman back up to my ranch I would like to atleast know her name?" John smiled as he turned the keys in the ignition pulling back onto the highway, I immediately felt my cheeks flush with embarrassment "It's Y/N.." I replied whilst looking in the wing mirror trying to rearrange my soaked hair and smudged mascara, in that moment I felt so inferior to the man sat next to me.. "Y/N I don't bite darlin.." he chuckled running his tongue along the inside of his cheek, I laughed nervously waiting for the moment to pass.. "When we get to the ranch you can go take a hot shower okay whilst I sort some business out and once the weather has passed we'll sort your heap of shit out.. sorry your truck" he winked at me. I felt myself start to relax.. "Thankyou Mr Dutton, really appreciate your help.." I smiled back at him "It's John..Darlin, and it's no problem, its a welcome distraction helping a pretty woman on the roadside after the shit I've had to deal with today". I felt my face flush red  looking out the window as we passed under the Yellowstone Dutton Ranch sign and made our way up the drive to the main house.

Getting out of the truck John lead me up to the house, once inside he showed me to one of the guest rooms "You should find everything you need in here sweetheart. Gator will cook you up some supper.. I'll be back up in a few hours and by then your ride should be outside ready to go" he looked slightly awkward standing infront of me scratching the back of his neck walking towards the bedroom door.. "Thankyou John..." then before I could stop the words.. "Maybe I'll see you later?" John stopped in his tracks looking over his shoulder flashing a grin "Pour me a whiskey darlin I won't be long..." and with that he clicked shut the bedroom door shut. I stood there frozen, this was crazy! I just flirted with the governor of Montana!? I'm going to drink whiskey with the governor of Montana.. shaking myself back to reality I started to run a bath and started thinking about where this evening might lead.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2023 ⏰

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