Chapter 1: New Subject

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The sound of metal on metal and the wind screeching as the fast train shot through the air filled the ears of the many passengers on the express. There was a soft rumble from the engine, and if you looked out of the window, you'd see the familiar view of the meadows, with the dark blue lakes and tall green trees. The sky was blue, the weather still hot from the, just now, bypassed summer and the excitement rose between the students across all ages, who've just gotten on the train to return to their studies.

Somewhere in a closed compartment were four boys, each laughing and smiling, happy to be back at school, not for the studying of course, but to be back together. They've been friends since they started at Hogwarts, each finding each other through their one thing in common. The Slytherin house.

The four boys were dressed in their robes, each wearing green around their neck to symbol their part in the house of the serpent. One of the boys is bleach blonde, his hair almost completely white, just like his skin. Another one is the exact opposite of him. His skin is brown and his hair short and black. The third is a brunette, his hair messy and his eyes the same color as the chocolate frogs, served on the train. The final boy is a dirty-blonde, his hair sat like a mop on his head, swooped to the side in an attempt to hide away his forehead. His eyes are blue like the ocean, and he smiled widely as he talked to his friends.

"It feels good to be back, don't ya think?" one of the boys said, leaning back in his seat, arms crossed across his chest.

"Sure is Theo," the other blonde replied, eyes fixated on the window beside them before he eventually turned to look at his friends. "I missed you lads," the brunette, Lorenzo, said with a smile, "except for Blaise's snoring."

"Fuck you Enzo," Blaise shot back, making the blonde boy beside him laugh.

"Shut up Malfoy," Blaise turned to Draco, one eyebrow raised, "don't think you should be laughing, when you snore as well."

"I do not." Draco crossed his arms, making eye contact with Theo who was trying to hold back a laugh.

Lorenzo shook his head and turned to look at the scene on the other side of the glass.

At Hogwarts, the students all gathered for the sorting ceremony in The Great Hall. The four boys sat down at their assigned table, chatting and catching up with friends from their house. A group of girls sat down next to them, each smiling and waving at the four boys.

Enzo's eyes met Blaise's, who seemed to be smirking at one of the girls.

As they sat there, chatting, Theo felt eyes on him. He looked up, eyes meeting the infamous Harry Potter, watching from the Gryffindor table. "Look," Theo patted Enzo's shoulder, "Potter's watching."

"Don't mind him." Draco said from across the table. He overheard the conversation. "He's just a prick, you know that."

Theo shrugged. Their conversation got interrupted by Headmaster Dumbledore, who's hosting a speech for the evening. "Welcome to Hogwarts," he started, "the start-of-term banquet will begin shortly, but first, we must do our sorting."

Dumbledore paused, his eyes moving to the large doors in the back of the hall. "But before we begin, I would like to introduce you all to our new student." The doors opened with loud creaks, and in walked a dark-haired boy. He was dressed in an open robe, on top of white dress shirt that seemingly had a few buttons undone. His hands were stuffed in his pockets and his eyes were firmly planted on Dumbledore.

"Who is that?" someone asked further down the table. Theo's jaw dropped on the floor, Draco's eyes widened, Enzo couldn't take his eyes off the scene and Blaise was too distracted by the girl from earlier to notice what was going on.

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