Ep 2

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yn - I couldn't find anything about what's going on there, so I thought I'd just go and see Ortega - I looked out the window - she's so beautiful - I looked out the window until my cell phone rang with a notification:

/Mia sent you a message: will you go to town with me/

yn - although I would like to keep watching Jenna because I couldn't take my eyes off her, Mia was my best friend and we went everywhere together, when I went anywhere I wrote her and she went with me and vice versa, so I had to go, I wrote her back

/message to Mia: ok I'm on my way /

yn - I broke away from the window, went to change, I wrote her a message that I was leaving, I told my mother, I slammed the door and waited in front of my house, it was an advantage that I waited right there, I could observe her closer, maybe I for a while it seemed that she looked at me and smiled, but maybe it was just my dream - when suddenly Mia came

Mia - hello - hugged me

yn - hello - I hugged her back

Mia - where are you still looking so lovingly? - she looked back at the place where Jenna was standing and said quite loudly - WAIT IT'S NOT JENNA ORT-

yn - ssssssh - I put my hand in front of her mouth

Mia - so it's her?

yn - yes, but you don't have to shout like that

Mia - well well - we headed towards the bus stop - and what is she even doing here?

yn - I don't know, I tried to find out, but the only thing I found out was that a company is written on one of those cars, and if you look it up, it's a film and TV series company

Mia - well, you didn't find out much

yn - I tried

Mia - ok, mainly calm down

yn - I'm calm - we arrived at the stop and the bus left, when we got off we went to look at some clothes and cosmetics and as the last stop we stopped at Starbucks - can we go now?

Mia - yes, why are you in such a hurry?

yn - nothing, I just want to be home soon

Mia - isn't it because of a certain Jenna Ortega? do you like her?

yn - it's not true

Mia - I can see it in you

yn - no no

Mia - what do you think - laughed

yn - ok come on - we got to the bus stop and went home, she was still there - I don't understand how she managed it, after so many hours of filming I would probably be exhausted - I entered the house, took off my shoes and went to my room, I passed the bathroom for a while networks and then I thought to myself that it's not so hot anymore and that I could go for a walk, not because of Jenna at all, I put this on ↓

yn - ok come on - we got to the bus stop and went home, she was still there - I don't understand how she managed it, after so many hours of filming I would probably be exhausted - I entered the house, took off my shoes and went to my room, I passe...

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(if you don't like it, imagine another one)

yn - and I went outside, I passed by the filming location and then I didn't look there anymore, so it's not so noticeable when I felt a hand on my shoulder, I turned around and -

Jenna - Hi, are you local?

yn - h-hi, yes I am - I said a little stuttering

Jenna - I've seen you here a few times and you probably know your way around, you shouldn't take the time to show me around, I don't know much about it and now I'm on a break

yn - take it easy - my god, it's a dream isn't it? - come on - we went for a walk around our city, it's not very big but I showed her some things that are nice about our city and we also talked a lot - actually I'm your fan

Jenna - seriously? it didn't look like that, normal fans would probably start screaming, asking for an autograph or a photo..

yn - well, I didn't know if you were uncomfortable or something like that

Jenna - it's true, if I met such fans here, I probably wouldn't be twice as excited, but I'll take a picture with you, I'd love to

yn - seriously?

Jenna - yes - I pulled out my phone and we took some photos - if you put it somewhere tag me

yn - maximum on my private account, I don't put much on my public account

Jenna - good

yn - well, I'll tag you - I still had a Starbucks coffee in my hand that hadn't been finished yet

Jenna - I can taste it - pointed to the coffee in my hand

yn - yes yes - I handed it to her and she took a little sip

Jenna - it's good

yn - I know, next time I can take you too if you want

Jenna - ok thanks, I'll have to go now, my break is over

yn - well - I accompanied her to the filming location

Jenna - so hi - hugged me and I hugged her back

yn - hello - I was walking towards my house when I heard from a distance

Jenna - see you tomorrow?

yn - well of course, I promised you the coffee after all - I laughed and so did she, I went to the house, I lay down on the bed with a smile on my face and almost fell asleep but my parents heard me, they are a bit alcoholic and a bit they are fighting, I've learned to ignore them a little but it was hard, I quickly went to the shower



•Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed the episode•

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•Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed the episode•

coincidence? Yn x Jenna Ortega Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin