And They Don't Stop Coming

Start from the beginning

"I am sure she is fine down there. Possibly entertaining the others with her charming personality." He didn't mean it to sound so bitter.

Then again, it might as well be with the annoyance she was.

          ...Oh. Well then... The voice sounded rather amused with the response.

He didn't have time for this! His diary had been dropped in the frenzy, his prize wunderwaffe-DG2 was nowhere to be seen, his plan to face that brat was in shambles, all because he listened to that nightmare of a woman.

It was her fault, not his; He wanted her gone, not stuck with them!

Ohoho. He knew – just knew, he should have killed her. It was so obvious not to with ambition like hers, but he didn't. Because he was told not to.

They told him not to. And he listened.

As if the voices, in their omnipotence, knew she was more hassle to pin down rather than leave unscathed.

His eyes squeezed shut in annoyance, this was getting out of hand. Could he stop thinking about her for two seconds! She was starting to build more hatred in him than Dempsey – which was not good at all.

He lifted his head to peek out to the theatre below, eyes scanning everything for signs of his target.

          ...So, you are watching her... One voice said, acting as if they didn't already know what he had been subconsciously doing every ten minutes.

He could feel the murmurs coming back.

"Be quiet" he chastised. For once they listened.

He was too hungry to deal with another tirade of overlapping arguments.

He scanned again, and bewilderingly, caught a defeated-looking Dempsey. He couldn't help but grin at the sad oaf, though the continued absence of the person he was looking for struck a nerve akin to dread.

Definitely not from lack of food.

          ...I can tell you have a bad feeling about this... A rather suave-sounding voice chimed into his ear.

For once, the voice was right. He did have a bad feeling about this.

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It wasn't so much the poor reception as it was the building itself strangely inhibiting any form of connectivity. That is why she went to view the state of the building's power supply. It wasn't bad by any means; But it wasn't the best either. Mostly, because there was barely anything that could have provided a connection.

She walked down the stairs out to the alley. The sky was more a velvet cloth, barely any stars shining through the light pollution thanks to the city's bustling nightlife. At least, on one side. The built border between them seemed to leave the other half vacant - all lights were off, as if no one existed.


Maybe, forgotten in time? Just like them.

Though the creaks of wind against metal and concrete did help soothe her foreign feelings.

There was a radio tower, opposite. A monolithic structure into the sky. Surely, she would get something now. Adjusting the radio, she was hit with an odd bunch of frequencies. Tuning further, she received breakups from what sounded like the news of the day being read before her Pip-Boy automatically tuned to one she did not know. Odd tones, sounding more like chimes or the constant ringing gong of a church clock. It didn't sound like much. To be honest, it was more on some sort of looping repeat than anything else.

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