ron weasley x reader

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Y/n potter because idk.

As I sit in the almost empty library, only three first years sit panicking as they flip through book after book, almost crying at the fact they have a potions test tomorrow, and none of them has studied, I look through an old year book from the year my dad came here trying to find photos of him and my mum.

"What are you doing?" A group of familiar voices ask as they all sit around me.

My best friends.

"Trying to find photos of our mum and dad." I say as I look at Harry, and he softly smiles at me.

I'm told a lot I look like my mum, and I want to see if it's true, like yes, I've seen one photo of my mum and dad but it was years after their high-school years, infact it was the year harry and I were conceived.

As I flip through the book and find nothing, I let out an agitated sigh.
"Nothing?" Hermione asks, and I nod.

"Absolutely nothing." I state as I close the book and walk to the bookshelf where I found it on and put it back.

"Why were you looking anyway?" Ron asks, and I turn and look at him and immediately start smiling.

Ron is just gorgeous.

Honestly,  he's pure perfection in my eyes.

I love him, but I'm just his best friend.

"I just want to see photos of them doing some of the stuff we do, like sit in the Great Hall, or be out flying their brooms, you know?" I ask, and he nods, giving me a sympathetic smile.

"I wanted to show Harry." I then add, and Harry places a comforting hand on my shoulder.

It's been a few days now since I was in the library trying to find photos of my mum and dad and I sit in my dorm bored out of my mind as mione goes on a rant about how we all need to start paying attention if we want to get a job in wizardry after hogwarts when she suddenly turns to me, her eyes wide with shock.

"Oh my god, I forgot to tell you!" She screams, and I stare at her in confusion.

"Tell me what?" I ask as she suddenly shoots off her bed and grabs my hand, dragging me towards the gryffindor common room where we meet with Ron and Harry sitting on the couch.

"You're late, mione." Ron jokes as he shakes his head, and I look between them all in still, total utter confusion.

"Why are we all here?" I quiz as mione shoves me on the couch next to Ron, and she takes the seat next to Harry.

I think there's something going on between those two, but I'll ask her later.

"Y/n, here you go." Ron says as he hands a few things to me wrapped up in Christmas wrapping paper.

"It's all we had." Harry mentions, and I laugh.

"What's all this about? What's the special occasion?" I ask as I look between the three of my friends, and they just shrug.

"You'll see when you open them." Ron tells me, and I nod before picking up the first one of the pile and unwrapping it, sitting the paper at my side so I can discard it later.

When I unwrap it, my eyes fall onto the back of a picture frame.

Confused, I turn it around, and my jaw drops.

It's a photo of my mum and dad eating dinner at the Great Hall.

"Oh my god." I mumble as I stare at the photo and admire how pretty both my mum and dad are.

Every single gift was photos of either my mum, my dad, or the both of them together.

"Thank you, thank you all." I cry as the tears swell at my eyes, and Harry and mione shake their heads.

"It was all Ron. He only told us to come so we could see your reaction." Harry tells me, and I turn to Ron as my jaw drops.

I don't know what to do or even what to say, so instead, I just wrap my arms around his neck and pull him into a tight hug.

"Thank you so much." I whisper before I feel his hands wrap around my waist, and I turn bright red.

"When you were talking about how much you wanted to see photos of them doing the stuff that we do, I knew what I had to do." Ron tells me before he pulls away from the hug and then shoots Harry and mione a look, and they both stand up.

"Uhm, Harry, do you want to come into my dorm and see a book?" Mione says in the most robotic voice ever, and he nods before they both leave in the direction towards my dorm.

"That was weird." I mumble as I laugh before I wipe the tears from my eyes.

Once they're gone, Ron clears his throat.

"So, I hope you liked your 'Christmas gifts'." Ron jokes, and I nod.

"I love them Ron, thank you again. They mean the world to me." I thank you as I reach to grab one of his hands, which I gently squeeze, and he lets out a small nervous laugh.

Okay, he's acting suspicious.

Somethings up.

"I need to tell you something really important." Ron goes onto say, and I nod and stare at him.

"You can tell me anything, you know that." I state, and he slowly nods.

"I really like you, like seriously. Ever since my mum told you and Harry how to get onto the train, you've been the only thing I've ever wanted, I actually think I love you." Ron slowly tells me, the nerves taking over his body.

"Are you an idiot? Merlin Ron, I've been shooting you signals since our first time on that train! I love you." I exclaim as I smile widely.

Ron billus weasley likes me. In fact, he said he loves me!

I am dreaming.

I'm going to wake up, and I'll be in potions.

"You really love me?" Ron gasps, and I shake my head repeatedly before I kiss him, and he kisses back.

Once we pull away, I look at him.

"Do you think something is going on between Harry and mione?" I quiz, and he nods.

"Let's go see." I whisper as I grab his hand and stand up before dragging him to my dorm.

I don't even knock, and instead, I make the door fly open, and I scream when I see Harry and mione kissing.

"I knew it!" Ron and I scream in usion.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Jul 04, 2023 ⏰

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