Chapter 13:You don't need to be fallen to be sly

Start from the beginning

Vali:Shut it!

Kuroka:Nya, he's not really long.

Issei:Ah, will your parents also come?

Sakura:All of our parents are busy, I'm afraid.

Kumagawa:[Especially mine. The attack left them a lot to cover up.]

Sakura:If you ask me, your parents are the real hero here. I mean, just the amount of that paperwork...

Kumagawa:[You tell me. I was in the same situation multiple times.]

They quietly walked to school. When they arrived Sakura pet Kumagawa's shoulder to get his attention. When the minus gave in she pointed to the right where Sirzech was standind with a man by his side.

The man did resemble him quiet a lot. The same red hair and blue eyes, only looking older and having a goat beard. His name was Zeoticus Gremory.

The couple walked to them to see Rias standing with them in embarassment. Kumagawa deadpanned at the camera Zeoticus was holding with excitment.

Kumagawa:[So your family is like this.]


Kumagawa:[Lucky I'm already used to dissapointments. Although, there is a member of your family that I happened to meet in the past and like.]


Zeoticus:Ah, you need to be the boy that has taken care of the problems my daughter had. I thank you and apologize for the trouble.


Zeoticus:If I could be so brazen, could I ask your name?

Kumagawa:[My name? Well, I see no problem with that. Kumagawa Misogi.]

Zeoticus:Kumagawa Misogi...Ah, the devilish president!

Kumagawa:[Oh? How do you know about that?]

Zeoticus:Gradmother talked about you a lot.

Kumagawa:[Ah, Runeas-chan did?]

Zeoticus:Yeah, she especially talked about the pranks you did together. Which was...Really scary.

Kumagawa:[Ahahaha, guess so!]

Sirzech:...Oh no.

Azazel:What? Isn't the fact that he has an bond with an member of your family a good thing?

Sirzech:No, it's just...My great-grandmother is quiet whismcal. I fear what the two of them would accomplish.

Rias:That woman is evil!


Koneko:She made Buchou ride a camel.

Azazel:...Did anyone catch it on camera?



They walked to their individual classes to begin the day. Issei's parents did meet with the Gremory adults and talked a lot.

The first years like Issei and Asia had sculpture. Issei ended up doing quiet a sculpture. It was him sitting on the floor with a TV in front and Asia beside him. Behind his plastique self was a couch with Kumagawa and Sakura sitting on it, Sakura's head resting on his shoulder. On the righ of the couch was Noro with his arm half lifted and a piece of meat close to his mouth. On the left armset of the couch sat Freed with his legs kicking up the air and remote in his hand.

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