006 | 𝘼𝙡𝙬𝙖𝙮𝙨 𝙂𝙤𝙩 𝙏𝙤 𝘽𝙚 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙃𝙚𝙧𝙤

Start from the beginning

"Are you okay?" Cruz asked findings Otis. He wasn't exactly okay, he was worried more than he had ever been before, This was the worst injury Juliette had ever had and she had to have surgery to remove the bullet, Otis admitted to his best friend that he was worried but Cruz knew that, he knew Otis was worried

The surgery on Juliette took longer than Connor had expected it too, she was loosing more blood than be would have liked and the stitches that he was adding just wouldn't hold and nobody knew why that was, but eventually Connor was scrubbing out and Juliet's was being wheeled to post-op.

"Brian." Connor said to get Otis's attention.

"Juliette is out of surgery, I want to keep her sedated for a few days just so her body has time to heal but I believe she'll make a full recovery" Connor said to Otis who let out a sigh of relief.

"When can I go see her?" Otis asked hoping he could go and sit with his sister

"You can go see her once she's moved i to a room. I'll come and get you" Connor informed Otis who nodded knowing it was the right way to go.

"She's going to be okay" Ivy said gently placing a hand on her best friend's brother shoulder.

"She always is" Otis said reminding himself that Juliette was a fighter, she always was okay and this time was no different.

"I'll phone everyone and let them know Ivy said knowing it would save Otis having to worry about that.

"Thank you Ivy" Otis said while he held Hope's hand, he hadn't let go of her hand since they got to med.

"I don't know what I would have done if Juliette had died" Otis said truthfully and Hope knew he was still worried. Otis loved Juliette, they were like best friends as well as siblings

Otis hadn't left Juliette's side for two long days, he even missed a shift at 51 which Juliette would most likely tell him off for but Dr Rhode's had began to reduce the sedation which he had Juliette under. During the last few days Hope had been with Otis a lot of the time when she wasn't working and when she was on her break. Ivy was their too just as much as Otis but she headed to work whereas Otis stayed at the hospital.

"Any improvement?" Sylvie asked checking in with Otis and Juliette. She didn't have to be at the hospital because it's not like she was working so she didn't have to drop any patients off but despite not knowing Juliette for long she was already friends with her and that meant she was worried.

"Dr Rhodes reduced the sedation about a hour ago. It's just the waiting game now" Otis said as he turned to see the blonde stood in the doorway.

"You didn't have to come by you know" Otis added which made Sylvie roll her eyes.

"I know I didn't but I wanted to. I may not have know. Juliette for long but she's still one of my friends and I would be here for anyone of my friends" Sylvie states with a smile. Sylvie staged for awhile, she sat talking to Otis before she left and Hope joined the Otis for her break.

"How you holding up?" Hope asked before giving Otis a small kiss on his cheek.

"I'm fine. I hoping Juliette wakes up soon" Otis said letting out a yawn, he had slept but it was a constant state of disturbed sleep like it had been for the last few days.

"Why don't you have a nap! Juliette Will want you to look after yourself" Hope told Otis.  Was true Juliette would want Otis to look after himself, she always would.

Juliette's eyes fluttered open at around 1:12pm, Immediately she closed her eyes again from the bright lights which were the ceiling and wall lights.

"Your awake. Don't move I'll get the doctor" Otis said happily as he saw his sister was awake. Juliette couldn't speak, her mouth was so dry and she definitely needed to have a drink. Once Otis was back with Dr Rhodes Juliette was examined and Otis held her drink with a straw so she could take a sip.

"I'm glad your okay July" Otis said to Juliette finally sitting beside her against

"I'm sorry Bri' I didn't want the mom to loose her last living child" Juliette said softly, she remembered everything that happened and she also remembered thinking she was going to die, she remembered asking Erin to tell Otis and Ivy that she loved them.

"You've always got to be the hero, don't you" Otis joked with Juliette who smiled. He knew her so well.

"Always" she said softly.

"I thought we could talk about Mollys" Juliette said biting her lip gently as she carefully picked her drink up and took a sip.

"I know July' I know you think you will mess it all up but you won't." Otis began which made Juliette smile a smaller smile.

"It's a lot, Leslie left her shares to me and I don't want to let her down. I still love her Bri' I know she's gone but I will always love her and she loved Mollys, I had if I can't make her proud by accepting her shares?" Juliette asked. Of course she'd love to be able to work beside her brother, they always said that one day some how they would and it had always been something that Juliette would want.

"We've always said we would work together one day and this is an exciting opportunity, please July please accept" Otis said hopefully. This incident had made Juliette realise that life is too short, that you could die without notice which then made Juliette realised she had to accept.

"I'll do it. I can do this. I'll contact whoever I need to tomorrow and organise a time to go and sign the papers" Juliette nodded while she smiled.

"We're going to work together" Otis said with excitement.

"We're going to be partners" Juliette grinned. She was truly happy and couldn't wait to learn all about the bar business, it was going to be a lot of work but Juliette had decided it would be worth it in the end.

 She was truly happy and couldn't wait to learn all about the bar business, it was going to be a lot of work but Juliette had decided it would be worth it in the end

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I'm sorry this is such a short chapter but its more of a filler chapter.

But Juliette will soon be part owner of Mollys
Otis is excited to have Juliette as a business partner.

Herrmann and Gabby are happy with who Shay left her shares too and happy that Juliette has accepted them.

And most importantly Juliette is going to make a full recovery so theirs another bonus...

That's all for now.
I hope you all liked this chapter

Truly, Madly, Deeply | Sylvie BrettWhere stories live. Discover now