Chapter 0 (prologue) || "Dumb Luck"

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"Toritsuka no offense, but if your other friends are almost anything like you I don't know if I want to meet them."

Y/N had been enjoying his day when all of a sudden Toritsuka came running up to him asking if he wanted to meet one of Toritsuka's friends. Even though Y/N had turned him down, he just would not leave him alone about meeting this so-called "amazing guy"

Is he like—trying to set me up with this guy or something?

Toritsuka looked offended at Y/N's 'rude' comment for about
.5 seconds, "For the record I'm amazing, but no, he and I don't have much in common. That's why I thought you guys would be good friends, you need more friends and so does he!"

Y/N looked at him dejectedly, "Thats just rude man, I do not need more friends. I'm perfectly fine where I am." It's not like it was a complete lie, Y/N had a small group of friends excluding Toritsuka who he only half counted as a friend. He wasn't particularly close with any of them but he didn't mind too much, Toritsuka was the only "interesting" one though.

Never mind he's just calling me and this dude lonely.

"come on Y/N, sit with me and Saiki for lunch" Toritsuka was like a parasite, he never left you alone.

Y/N sighed, "Fine but if you don't leave me alone about this after I meet him im throwing you out of a window. Now go away"

"What is with you people and wanting me to go away when im trying to be nice-"


-Earlier that day-

"Saiki, are you still obsessing over that boring guy?"

"Yes, now leave me alone."

"he's walked past you at this very gate for 3 days in a row now man, just give it up." It was getting quite creepy at that point, not that Toritsuka of all people could judge anyone almost ever.

"Why are you here?" Toritsuka will probably never understand my want to be normal, since all he cares about is getting the attention of girls who want nothing to do with him by the use of his powers. He and I couldn't be any more different than we already are.

"Well, I found you a new guy to be obsessed with! And he's boring too, not as boring as what's his name though."

"If this 'new guy' is a friend of you of all people, I'm sure that I want nothing to do with him," Saiki said, his voice definitely full of judgment

"That's cold, Saiki. But no, he has no interest in my love for women if that's what you're talking about" Toritsuka said dramatically feigning sadness over Saiki's insult.

"Love isn't a strong enough word for you. Obsession, craze, maybe if you add 'creepy' first"

"it's not my fault, you're the weird one for having no interest in literally anyone except the most boring person in school!"

"The likes of you can't insult Satou, you'll never understand how amazing he is. He's completely average. Not "boring," AVERAGE. do you know how hard that is?"

"rightttt... So anyway, my friend—the reason I want you to meet him is because he also has super freakish powers. The difference is though, I don't think he knows he does—or he's really good at acting"

Saiki was suddenly both disinterested and very interested in what that could mean.

What? "go on."

Toritsuka smiled knowing he had finally gotten Saiki's attention after just getting brutally insulted by someone who was completely honest.

"I knew you'd come around, so I'll tell you what happened. I was walking home one day when I happened to be walking behind my friend, Y/N. While he was walking he suddenly tripped and dropped his phone in the street right as a truck was passing, seemingly crushing his phone- but when the truck passed his phone was completely fine! I figured you could do weird stuff like that with your mind so it instantly made me think he has powers.

Then, as he was picking up his phone off the road confused, some random guy ran up from some alley and grabbed his bag that he had left on the sidewalk! Y/N looked over and called over to him and was starting to run over to him when suddenly the robber slipped super dramatically and Y/N's bag flew backward back toward Y/N along with some Ladies' purses! He, being a model citizen, started looking for the lady that this purse belonged to and immediately found her like he knew exactly where she was, she gave him like 14,000 yen as a thank you!"

"That sounds like dumb luck, not powers." Saiki was disinterested again.

"No, im serious. You have to see it, it was crazy—I'll show you! How can anyone have THAT good of luck?"

"What's your point here?"

"I want you to meet him! You have to see it, I'll introduce you guys at Lunch or something- or we could hang out after school" Toritsuka was doing just about everything but getting on his knees and begging at this point, though Saiki knew he probably would if necessary.

What a pain. "fine, if you'll leave me alone then I'll meet your friend with 'powers' "

"thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!" Toritsuka ran off to go ask his friend to meet Saiki who was now left wondering why he couldn't have just been left alone for one single day.

Word count: 922

chapter posted at the beginning of August 2023: 853 words

Chapter updated September 28th, 2023: 922 words

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