Blue shrugged and jumped on top of the machine, her feet made imprints in the metal as she landed. I, however, stayed on the ground and ripped the door open before carefully stepping inside. Instantly, it must of been motion activated, a static noise came from a small box. I jumped back and growled, my hind legs bent making me close to the ground.

The box continued to stay stagnant, albeit for the odd noise, for a while before weird voice began to speak.

"—And people are wondering, what is going to happen to the dinosaurs on Isla Nublar once the Volcano eventually errupts?" The women's voice spoke, a questioning tone in her voice.

I leant forward, "Many believe they should be left there for a natural death while others think they should be saved — they say such gorgeous monsters deserve the same protection as endangered animals. What do you—...."

I growled as the voice suddenly ended and the static noise returned. "Volcano?" A voice behind be ricocheted against the walls.

I turned to face her, "I'm guessing that's the monster mountain, it has seemed rather angry recently."

She nodded, "The herbivores have been saying she's spitting hot venom."

I clicked my tongue at her words, "They say we will die soon." She scoffed, a hint of worry however was shown in her eyes, "That's why the humans were here then, must be seeing if we're worth saving."

"Do you wish to be saved?" Blue asked carefully, stumbling on her words. I thought long and hard about her sudden question.

"Would Owen be there? To see me survive?" I asked a different question to gauge the results.

"Only me, the other dinosaurs and the humans." Blue replied. She had moved from the entry of the helicopter to my side, eyeing the voice box. "But it'd only be us, in a container indefinitely."

I nodded, pressing my snout to hers, "Yes."

"Why?" She questioned, not understanding me, "Would you rather be in a cage for the remainder of your life like before—?"

"—Or die?" I cut in, knowing the end of her sentence already. She smiled, although it looked strained and uncomfortable.

"Or die." She repeated slowly. Emphasising her own words to make the point clearer.

I shook my head, the flies on it disappear. "Because there might be a chance we'll survive that and become free again."

She snorted, "You, Sierra, are too optimistic."

"Why do you say that? It's happened before, why not once again." I pushed into her gently, she didn't push back.

In fact, Blue just stayed silent.

I believe she was having a fight inside her brain.

* * * *

THROUGHOUT THE NEXT FEW DAYS, me and blue would skim through our tasks before heading towards the voice box for any more information on our island. Most of the time it was silent, just a buzzing static, while the others would give us snip bits of the argument: save us or leave us. The women, who had called herself Rebecca, refused to use the word kill or murder when taking about the debate: something both me and Blue caught on to.

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