Good Morning

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A cute short one shlt Written by LUXXZERO on Ao3
The sun was bright and warm today, and the sky was a beautiful shade of blue. The sounds of bustling people filled the entire vicinity of Sumeru City. Everything was peaceful, and a new day awaited the town. However, there was a little disruption to what was supposed to be the start of a nice morning.

“Wake up, sleepyheads! It’s time for commissions!”

A bubbly and outgoing voice interrupted what seemed like a delightful slumber, and her traveling companion, along with another new addition to their company, groaned as they both shifted to another position, their bodies still stuck to the one bed they both shared.

“Hey! Wake up already! It’s eight in the morning! I’m hungry!”

“Shut up, get your own food…” the low grumble of an irritated person made its way through the ears of a floating silver-haired fairy who had caused the disorder of today’s start.

Scoffing, as if offended, she stomped on the air with her feet as she folded her arms, exasperation written across her entire face. “Excuse you, mister Oversized Hat Man! Paimon never asked you to talk to me like that! Hmph!”

“What did you say about my hat…?” Pretending to be offended, the Oversized Hat Man that the floating fairy referred to had made an effort to turn around and get up, but the woman beside him wrapped her small arms around his waist to bring him back down to bed, and he complied, sinking himself further into the bed with her.

“That’s enough. My wallet’s in the second drawer, Paimon. Go get yourself something to eat, we’ll catch up later.” The soft voice of the traveling companion said as Paimon happily floated her way toward the drawer to grab the wallet.

“Thanks, Lumine! I’ll be right back~” the floating fairy chirped, and within seconds, she was already out of earshot.

“Great, a perfectly great way to start the morning. No wonder you always wear your pretty eyebags every day,” the husky voice grumbled as he rested an arm around his partner’s waist.

“You think my eyebags are pretty?”

The blonde-haired maiden, eyes closed, giggled as the young wanderer next to her hummed, pulling her close to him as he reached to kiss her where her eyebags would be. “Maybe,” he mumbled as he buried his face in the crook of her neck. “If you tried to cover it up with makeup, it’ll only make you look older and a little uglier.”

“Hey!” She playfully hit his shoulder as he chuckled and hushed her with his soft voice. “That’s mean,”

“I’m just saying,” he said in between small laughs. “You look prettier the way you are,”

“That’s so horrible,” she laughed and snorted, and so did he, “and so shabby and unoriginal.”

“Your snorts are horrible,” he retorted.

“You’re horrible!”

“I love you,”

Silence filled the whole room, but it was the comfortable kind that made the couple stay in tranquility for a few moments.

At least a minute had passed, and the Wanderer flung the blanket away, exposing themselves to the slightly cooler temperature.

“Yeah, I love myself too. That’s great! Cool! Self-love!” He exclaimed sarcastically when he found no response, threatening to get off the bed as the Traveler sat up and made it in time to catch him in his waist before he got further away.

“Nooo stay here!” She whined playfully, burying her face in his back.

He turned around and wrapped his arms around her as well, one of his hands making its way to pat her head as he bent down enough to kiss the small of her golden hair. They smelled like henna berries.

“What are you thinking about?” he asked, his soft voice soothing her as she tugged on the hem of his black undershirt.

“I think…” she prolonged her last word as she trailed a finger up in the air, landing to poke on one of his cheeks. “...that you’re the prettiest man I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting.”

Rolling his eyes, the Wanderer smirked and raised a brow. “Really now? Does that mean you’ve had the pleasure of meeting other pretty men?”

“No,” she paused, her voice drowsy, and he found it cute to always wake up to this side of her every day in the morning. “You’re the only pretty man I’ve ever met, so you’re still considered the prettiest.”

“Hmm, but that also makes me the least pretty man you’ve ever met.”

“Stop twisting my words!” Her sudden outburst made him laugh, and she reached both her hands to cup his cheeks as he melted into her touch. “I love you,”

Smiling, he reached down again and offered a peck on her lips. Her fiery-gold eyes stared longingly at the glisten of his indigo eyes as he did the same. Another busy day awaited them, but they were content with spending it together like they always have for a while now.

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