The mistake: blasie zabini

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Hello everyone this is mostly likely going to be a two-part chapter just because I feel so guilty that I haven't wrote in a very long time and I want to post something tonight to see if it's good and whoever read this I really hope you enjoy it and thank you for everybody who has been so patient with me and asking me too post another chapter I really appreciate all of you

Y/n: POV

It was a bright sunny day and I had been sleeping in at least that was until I heard my roommate fumbling around our dorm trying to get themselves ready for their next class and as I was getting up I slowly rub my eyes looking over at them asking them to quiet down as they rushed out of our dorm and since I was awake I slowly got up and started walking to my closet getting myself ready as I walk outside of my dorm room I make my way to the great hall as I was very late for lunch and as I was walking over to y/h/n table I passed by blaise zabini and as we made eye contact with each other for what felt like forever I remembered how long it had been since I was this close to him before I could say I single word he quickly looked away from me and started walking over to his table

As he walked away I sighed remembering how close he and I used to be I always missed those days in fact we were once very close friends maybe even to good of friends he was like the brother I never had and it wasn't until we started getting older that I realized how much I actually cared for him and i felt myself starting to fall in love with him in fact on my first year of hogwarts he was the only person who ever talked to me despite being in different houses he was a slytherin and I was y/h/n but it wasn't until our 4th year when he started acting completely different towards me

I didn't understand why but he started pushing me away from his life he started acting like I didn't mean anything to him It had now been years since i last spoke to him I was now in my 6th year and we haven't spoken since the day I overheard him talking about me to draco malfoy I heard him talking about how he was only friends with me because he felt sorry for me and when I asked him why he would say something like that it just turned into a huge fight and I never forgot the way he looked at me when I walked out of his dorm he stared at me like I didn't mean anything to him like I was just a burden that he no longer had to worry about..

Blasie: POV
As I was walking back over to my house table I felt myself brush against someone and as I turned my head to see who it I realized it was y/n wow.. they looked so beautiful in there uniform and as I stared deeply into their eyes all of our memories started rushing through my head I immediately started remembering the first day that I had laid my eyes on them from the very moment that they were sitting under the sorting hat I just knew that I needed to get to know them

I knew I had to have them in my life y/n and I started getting so close I loved them like crazy and not just in a friend way I started crushing on them doing our 4th year but my so called friend Draco malfoy was never a fan of y/n and I friendship it was almost like he was jealous of how much y/n cared for me and not him

I knew if  he ever found out about the way that I felt about y/n he would tease me or worse tease them i nerve wanted anyone to hurt them and I knew he was going to ruin my chances with them but what I did next was one of the biggest mistakes that I have ever made in my entire life It was a mistake that I still regret till this day I didn't know y/n was listening to me and draco talking that day that was until they came into my dorm once they started to confront me about it I started to feel so guilty.

I don't know why I started yelling at them I was just so scared of losing y/n and as I watched them walk out of my dorm I felt my heart break into pieces I couldn't move or speak I just stared at them I couldn't believe what I had just did I couldn't believe that I had just lost the only person who ever truly cared about me and after all these years my feelings for y/n never changed in fact they only got stronger I still really wanted y/n in my life and in that very moment I desperately wanted to tell them how badly I miss them and how big of an idiot I was to have ever let them walk out of my life but I knew I couldn't say anything at least not in front of all of these people not until we were finally all alone and I could explain to y/n the truth about that day and the truth about my feelings for them I just hope they forgive me...

Will blasie finally tell y/n the truth about his feelings or will he chickened out? we shall see in the very next chapter...

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