That's how we are here, months upon months of perseverance. I went to every length necessary, knowing this process couldn't be rushed in the slightest. I made sure we not only received the parental stamp of approval, but that an extended period of time passed before I made any sort of move. I spent months ensuring our friendship, making sure when she needed someone, I was always the one she wanted around. I planned events and outings for the two of us, attempting to create memories that she would never forget or be able to recreate with anyone else. Most of all, I made sure to confirm my suspicions of her sexuality. One summer day at the pool, we were laying on a blanket in the grass and  I caught her eye-fucking the girl in the red bikini climbing out of the water. "I know it's not long, but we've been friends for like, 8 months now, right? And I mean, I don't think I've ever heard you mention a boyfriend. Or any guys in general really. What's that about?" Then she bit that bottom lip of hers, lowered her sunglasses and turned on her side to face me. There was a thin layer of sweat covering her skin that never seemed to tan, no matter how many hours we spent in the sun. She was always my perfectly pale princess. "I trust you, because you have to realize you can't say anything." I nodded my compliance and smiled, more than a little happy to know I had earned her trust. "I'm not really into guys.. But my mom, oh god my mom would get so much shit for it. Just imagine it, "Lesbian Daughter; Where did Miss Mayor go wrong?" I just couldn't do that to her." I felt sympathy for her, though, my actions weren't scrutinized by so many, I'm sure my parents would raise all sorts of hell if they knew that I wasn't strictly straight. "I'll keep your secret, Audra, don't worry. Just remember, I'm always here." She bit her lip again, this time not in nervousness, but it seemed like it was in arousal. She didn't need to ask me about my sexual preferences. She knew the answer. Audra was my sexual preference.

  After she admitted to me what I needed to know to proceed, things moved rather quickly from that point on. Our time hanging out suddenly felt more like dates, I know I made more of an effort towards my appearance when she around and I could start to tell she was doing the same, and then the creme de creme of all events that could possibly take place from this point forth, she showed up at my house when she knew my parents were out, wearing tight little shorts and a snug black tank top that matched her hair. I had imagined this moment over and over again, fantasizing about all the details. I always pictured some sort of build up; watching some sort of marathon on netflix, cuddling on the couch, cooking romantically together in the kitchen. But none of that happened. I suppose these kind of things are never how you imagined, no matter the gender. I know Donavan's sweaty hands holding my neck as he shoved his dry tongue in my mouth was not the kind of details I expected from my first intimate moments with a guy, but that's what it amounted to. With Audra, I hoped it would be different. I hoped that all these months of, essentially, courting her would pay off. When she gave me a look and walked past me, headed down the hall towards my room, I couldn't help but hope that these were the only details I had built up in my head that would not be fulfilled. Of course, as disappointed as I was that there was no cliche build up to this affair, I still followed after her eagerly. As I entered the hall, she was already in my room. I stopped at the mirror hanging on the way just outside my door frame and took in my own appearance. My dark red hair still had a purplish hue to it, having just dyed it a few days ago, my make-up was still fresh and in place and, thankfully, for once, my lips weren't even the slightest bit chapped. These were mediocre things to be happy about, considering the beauty that was in my room waiting for me.

  Now we're back to the present, and she's looking at me expectantly with those hazel eyes and I'm starting to panic because I don't think I've ever wanted anyone or anything for that matter this much. I want to finally feel the curve of her bare hip in my hand and I want to feel those forever pouting lips crushing against mine. But instead of taking the necessary steps to actually feel those things, I'm lamely standing in the doorway fantasizing about it. Thankfully, this girl, this beyond perfect girl, knows me. We are friends; we have an entire relationship outside of sexual interest. This whole time hasn't been purely to get in her pants, it was gaining a real and true friend. Because of this, fortunately, she knows that I'm freaking out inside, so instead of waiting for me in that overwhelmingly attractive pose, she makes the first move. She stands up and takes a few steps towards me, "It's okay Anna, I promise." Giving me a small smile, she takes another step closer, leaving only a bit of space between us, a little closer than you would be on average with someone you're close with. Taking yet another step closer, crossing the line from "I'm familiar with you" to "I'm totally all up in your bubble" she adds "It's only me." I swallow and nod, though she's only inches away from me and I can start to feel her body heat radiating onto me. We are nearly the exact same high so her mouth is perfectly lined up with mine and at the same time we lean closer.

 Everything explodes. My shyness vanishes and her calm and controlled demeanor is out the window. I realize now that I'm not the only one who has wanted this for so long. Her lips are softer than I thought possible and they just feel so good against my own. I thought we would both be slow and tentative but that's not the case, within seconds were eagerly going at it. As I feel her hands at my sides I realize that she's here and she wants me and I can touch her and it will be okay. I reach out and wrap one of my hands around the side of her pale neck, pulling her closer against me but also running my thumb over the skin which has now raised to my touch. I feel her fingers digging into my ribs lightly, running over the small bones; it gives me chills and I keep kissing her. My thoughts are clouded and all I can think about is touching her more and more and then the thought pops into my head, 'Hey, I have two hands.' And all of the sudden it's like I realized I wasn't blind anymore and I can see for the first time all the brilliant colors of the world. I grab her ass with both hands and it's amazing and then she moans and I swear that I have so many feelings bubbling up inside of me, I think I love this girl and I know that if I don't get a release I will surely explode into a thousand tiny pieces and that will just be quite the mess and I would surely hate to trouble Audra with such a burden. Kissing her is better than I imagined but I have waited for so long, I just need more of her. I start tugging at the bottom of her shirt and she breaks the kiss for the first time so I can quickly tug it off of her body and over her head. I throw it to the floor and move close to her again, kissing the skin along her jaw and down her neck, sucking gently along her collar bones. She keeps moaning louder and louder the more I go on and it's making me want her more than I ever have. I keep sucking and biting as she starts pulling at the bottom of my own shirt and I let her pull that off of me like I did to her. One of us started moving backwards, though in the blur of things, I don't know who it was, (it was totally me) and she ends up underneath me on my bed.

 I trust this girl with everything and anything I have and I'm so blissfully happy as I keep kissing down her chest and work at the fasten on her shorts. I can't help but scold myself silently for thinking this could be anything but perfect. Until someone screams my name, and it's certainly not who I want it to be, "Annaleigh, wha- what is this?" My mother demands from my doorway, a look of horror stretched across her face. I feel Audra shaking under me and my stomach falls because I feel awful that I have put her in this situation. But when I look at her, she's looking at my mother with a quivering lip and her shoulders are shaking "Thank you, Mrs. Blake. Thank you," She sobs and my mouth falls open as she shoves me off of her. Then Audra draws her knees up to her chest and wraps her arms around them "I don't know what came over Annaleigh, she just started-" Audra stops short as if the retelling is just too terrible to imagine, then she resumes sobbing. I don't know what's happening. My mother's face looks even more stricken than before and she shoots me a glare before picking up a shirt off my floor and rushing to Audras side handing it to her and attempting to make comforting sounds. My mother really can't believe that I would- is Audra really saying that I-? This cannot be what is really happening. Audra is my friend, she wanted this too. I know she did. I didn't force myself on her and now I'm stuck in frozen horror as my mom ushers my best friend from the room.

 I have no concept of how much time passes. I vaguely hear the front door and open a few times. There's some yelling, my father, then another, Audra's mother, then my own mother once again. The light coming through my window begins to dim at some point and I'm still at the end of my bed, my shirt still discarded on the floor. If I move, all of this becomes real. Darkness has overtaken my room and I still hear my parents talking outside my room. There was a car door slam and so Audra must be gone. How could she do this to me? Say those things about me? Lies like that are far too harsh to be just thrown about. I'm not sure when they stopped talking but the house is quiet and still and it seems so wrong because it's like the world is asleep and peaceful but my mind is in an utter disarray. I have no idea how to react because right now simply breathing is taking most of my available concentration. So I just stay perfectly still, clinging to my  earlier thought that if I never move again then none of this is really happening.  The night goes on and I feel my mind beginning to blur, I know I'm not tired; how could anyone sleep at a time like this? But nonetheless, I'm losing grip on my consciousness and somehow I manage to fall to sleep for the remainder of the night.

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