skipped classes and angry big brothers

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Fourteen-year-old Ponyboy sighed deeply as he stared at the phone sitting on Mrs. Tomson's desk. He really did not want to pick it up and make the phone call.

"Delaying it will not make it any easier, Ponyboy." The woman said in a kind voice.

Mrs. Tomson had started out as a teacher thirty years ago, she had been the school's secretary for the past fifteen years. Pony really liked her, she was always real nice to him.

After his parents were killed in the car crash, she would ask him to help her file some papers or rearrange her office. They would spend most of the time talking about books.

"Yes Ma'am." The teenager said, as he picked up the receiver and dialed a very familiar number.

It was a lot easier to get ahold of Soda then it was Darry, since Darry worked construction and was often at the building site instead of the office.

"DX station." A voice answered.

"H...hey Soda." Pony said reluctantly. Normally, Pony loved to talk to Soda. But he knew the older boy would be pissed at him when he found out what had happened.

"Ponyboy?" Soda's voice took on a concerned tone. "Is everything okay? Why ain't you in class?"

"I''''I um, kinda got into trouble." Pony said.

"Ponyboy Michael Curtis." The sixteen-year-old's voice snapped. "What did you do?"

Pony flinched at the tone. Normally Soda was easy going and laid back. He was always reminding their oldest brother that Pony was still just a kid. And that Darry used to get into trouble all of the time when he was Pony's age.

But Soda took Pony's schooling very serious, and was always on him to try his best and be on his best behavior at school. Soda knew Pony had a bright future, he was smart enough to make a good life for himself and get out of their neighborhood.

"I didn't turn in my math homework and got detention." Pony said softly.

"They don't give out detentions for just one missed assignment." Soda growled out, sounding more like Darry then he did himself. "How many?"

"Three this week." Ponyboy admitted.

There was a long pause, then Soda said. "I will be there after detention."

"Okay." Pony said.

Then the line went dead..

Pony sighed as he hung up the receiver, he was so dead. If Soda didn't kill him, then Darry would.

"You better go on back to class." Mrs. Tomson said sympathetically.

"Yes Ma'am." Pony said, walking out of the office and doing as he was told. He still had three classes and a detention to get through before he had to face his brother.

Ponyboy walked out of school and saw Steve's car sitting there. With a deep sigh, he walked over to it and climbed into the front passenger seat. Soda was behind the wheel, with a scowl on his normally smiling face.

"I'm really sorry, Soda." Pony said softly. As he threw his backpack into the backseat.

"You will be once we get home." Soda said sternly, as he pulled out into traffic. "I've still got an hour left on my shift, you will sit in the office and write lines for that hour."

"Come on, Soda." Pony whined. He hated writing lines. Soda almost never made him do it. That was more of a Darry thing.

"Not one complaint." Soda said, his voice still stern. "Or you'll be sitting on a sore ass to write the lines."

That got the younger boy to stop talking, he knew Soda was serious about it. And he did not want Soda to spank him. He knew Darry was going to when he got off work.

But the young teenager knew that the possibility of getting spanked by both brothers were high. He had lied to both of them about not having math homework, Soda hated it when Pony lied to him.

The ride to the DX station only took fifteen minutes. Soda killed the engine and gave his brother a stern look. "I know that lying to my brothers and not doing my homework is wrong. And I will not do eighter one again. Because I know if I do, I will get by backside tanned. I want it written one hundred times, neatly."

Pony gave the older boy a pleading look, but he could tell that Soda was not going to change his mind.

"Okay, Soda." Pony said sadly. He reached into the back and grabbed his backpack, then he climbed out of the car and headed into the station. The young boy's face heated up with embarrassment when he passed Steve working on a car. He knew the older boy knew he was trouble and would be getting spanked.

Steve had gotten spanked by Darry just a couple weeks ago, but it was still embarrassing to Ponyboy.

Pony went straight to the back office and sat at the desk, starting his writing. By the time Soda walked into the room, Pony had finished the lines and was doing his homework. It was Friday, and normally he waited until Sunday to do his homework. But he hoped that doing it now would put Soda in a better mood.

Soda picked up the notebook paper from the desk and scanned over Pony's writing. Then he nodded his approval and tossed the papers into the trashca

"Come on, let's go." The older boy said, helping Pony stuff his books and paper back into his pack.

The entire ride back to the Curtis house, Soda and Steve talked about a party they were planning on going to the next night. They completely ignored Ponyboy. He was used to Steve ignoring him, but Soda always included him in on any conversation.

By the time Steve parked in front of the house, Pony was miserable. He hated it when Soda was mad at him.

"See ya, Steve." Soda said, as he climbed out of the car and headed towards the house, without even a backwards glance at Pony. The younger boy felt like crying. He opened his door and started to follow.

"Hey kid." Steve said.

Pony glared at the older boy, waiting for him to make a smartass comment and tease him. But his glare faltered when he saw the sympathetic look on Steve's face.

"Don't take it too hard." Steve said. "Soda knows you have potential and it pisses him off when you do something to jeopardize your education. And you know how he feels about you lying to him, in this neighborhood we have to be able to trust one another. And that's hard to do when someone lies."

Pony nodded, then climbed out of the car and slowly walked towards the house to face the consequences of his actions.


I will post the ending of this one tomorrow. But I have several more planned. Please let me know what you think.

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