1 - Meeting You

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My name is Y/N L/N I am a veterinarian and love helping animals, but today was my day off from work, so I was walking my Golden Retriever Cooper. He loves going around town and meeting new people so I always brought him.

Today was beautiful there wasn't a cloud in the sky and it wasn't too hot. As we walked I saw a woman around my age being harassed by some reporters so I decided to go help her.

I walk up next to her " Come with me" I whisper in her ear and she grabs me lightly and I lead her into a small cafe. I help her sit down on the floor. Her breathing is rapid and she struggles to intake air.

" Hey I need you listen to my breathing ok" I tell her calmly sitting down next to her. Cooper lays his head on her leg as I rub her hand trying to bring her out of her panic.

Her breathing finally steadies.
" Thank you" she says quietly fiddling with her fingers. She then noticed the dog and starts petting him. " Hi and what's your name" she asks almost on cue he stands up and starts licking her .

" This is Copper" I tell her
" Well hi then Cooper" she giggles as he try's licking her face. " Come here boy don't bother her" I tell him and he sits next to me. " He's not bothering me i also have a golden" she tells me "Here let me help you up" I say offering my hand.

" Thank you" she tells me and relief washes her face " Of course, I'm Y/N by the way" I explain " Elisabeth" she says offering her hand to shake.
"Thank you for saving me back there" she says sweetly.

It's at this point I realized just how beautiful she was.

" do you want to get a coffee wile where are here" I question nervously my hand scratching the back of my head.

" Sure that would be nice" she says with a smile. "Wait is Cooper allowed in here" she asks a worried look covering her face " yah no worries it's pet friendly" I tell her as we walk to the counter.

We order our drinks and a small snack and wait at a table in the corner. " So Y/N what do you do" she inquisitively questions. " I own a vets office and I help run an animal sanctuary" i explain. " That's cool what kinds of animals" she asks curiously she watch's me awaiting my response.

" actually we just rescued some turtles they had garbage and stuff warped around them but they're better now we actually going to release them next week" I pull up my phone to find a picture. " oh my gosh there so cute" she gushes a bigger smile forming on her face.

" If you want you can come with me some time to see them, the animals love it when people come" I offer wanting to see her again. " I'd love to" she smiles at me.

" how old are you" she asks me "26" I answer " What about you" " I'm 26 to" she replies with a smile.

" so what do you do" I question inquisitively " You don't recognize me" she asks confused her face matching her tone " Well I do but I wanted you to tell me" I explain with a smile. " Well thank you it's nice to met someone who doesn't care about me for my job or my family" she says "Well I am a big fan but didn't think it's the best time to ask for an autograph" I explain.

" Well thank you for that" she replied. Just then the waiter brings our drinks over.

" Thank you" I tell him as he walks away. " So what project are you working on now" I ask. " Im filming for the new captain movie" she say " That's cool I read all the Marvel comics growing up, what's it like working with Robert Downy Jr" I inquiry " He's really interesting for sure" she laughs and her noses scrunches up.

" You're cute when you laugh" I say and look at her green eyes. " Oh so I'm not cute when I'm not laughing" she questions tilting her head. " No um .. that not what I meant" I stutter.

" Relax I'm joking" she explains " But hey you're cute when your nervous" she says smirking at me. " so you said you had a Golden to what it's name" I question her curiosity.

" Her name is Lila shes about a year old now" she answers. " Well maybe we can arrange a meeting and go on a walk on the beach, for the dogs of course" I offer " Well I think she would love that" Lizzie says.

" She as in you or the dog" I ask " Why can't it be both" she shrugged.


After a wile they finish eating then they leave a tip and exit the cafe. They Stroll through the streets as the head for Elizabeth house.

When they reach there destination they swop phone numbers. " So I'll text you soon for our date" she says in a way like she's asking for conformation. " Oh it's a date now" he pester causing her to lightly hit him.

" Well I'll see you then" he says hugging her and as she walks up her driveway to her door.
A minute later after she already went inside Cooper barks.

" Isn't she amazing boy" He questions the dog with a love sick voice. " We should probably go now come on buddy" he speaks again slightly tugging the leash getting him to follow.

Meanwhile Elizabeth was inside with her dog sitting on the couch. " He just so sweet and he has a doggy friend for you" she tells the pup. " I can't wait to see him again" she says smiling.

Thank to everyone who voted. I don't really have a set idea on what will happen so you can request what you would like to see. That doesn't mean I'll do it but comments are always appreciated.

Also I don't know about an update schedule it will be whenever I'm motivated to write for this or the one shots.

I hope you liked it.

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