Whispers in the Rain

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Pitter-patter. Pitter-patter. Pitter-patter. Annie gazed out the window, watching the water as it fell on the neighbouring buildings. The rain had started about an hour ago and showed no sign of stopping anytime soon. Pitter-patter. Pitter-patter.

"That's suicide! Of course we should stop him!". Annie frowned as Nine's words echoed through her head. You don't understand..., she thought, how strong Atlas truly is.

Annie had spent her whole life training to become Atlas's aide. It was her goal, her purpose. When Hades had discovered her true identity, Annie feared that it was over, and she would be sent somewhere even more horrific than her old home. All the abuse that she had suffered to get to this point would have been meaningless. She'd never imagined that Hades would ask her to work for him.

Pitter-Patter. Pitter-Patter. Annie let her eyes trace the raindrops running down the window. She hadn't hesitated to join up with the T-2s when Hades had ordered her to break Nine and Atlas out of the lab, even though she knew the rage that her imminent betrayal would cause. The idea didn't bother her then, and honestly, it didn't bother her now. All that mattered was completing her mission.

The T-2s were one thing. None of them had formed a strong connection with her yet, preferring the company of each other. The only one who had seemed particularly interested in getting to know her had been Hinalea, but Annie was convinced that that was only because she missed connections with other women. She wasn't sure how much of an impact she had made on Lato's fragmented mind, and Sands and Iantis had only wanted to talk about the inner workings of the labs. No, none of them would be very hurt in the end. Nine on the other hand....

They had practically grown up together, and although Annie didn't particularly care for Nine and knew that the feeling was mutual, she was well aware that her betrayal would shatter his worldview. Nine was similar to Atlas in the way that they both cared far too much about others, but Nine was far more open about his feelings and took things more personally. She would have to avoid him after, for her own sake.

Pitter-Patter. Pitter-Patter. Despite this however, she was worried for him. Recently, it seemed that his old memories were bubbling closer to the surface of his mind, just waiting for the chance to explode. Would her betrayal be what finally caused him to tip over the edge? Annie frowned. She didn't like not knowing what the future held, which was ironic considering how her life had gone up until this point.

She didn't even know when her betrayal would take place, or if it was even possible to drag Atlas back to the lab. Was that even the best course of action to ensure his safety? For all his ignorance, Nine cared deeply for Atlas, and would undoubtedly do anything to keep them together. And although the T-2s cared more about each other, the Originals were essential for the Cure, so they would surely do their best to keep Atlas safe. Suddenly the fight at the Gala flashed through her head, causing a small jolt to run though her body.

No, this is for the best, she told herself firmly. I know Atlas. Down to his very core. This will be good for him. Her gaze drifted to the street down below, where a couple seemed to be fighting. But her mind wouldn't comfort her so easily.

Really? How well do you truly know him?, whispered a traitorous little voice inside her head. What if you're wrong? What if this is what finally ruins him?

Annie sighed and shook her head, trying to rid herself of her thoughts. She had to stay focused. The couple outside had stopped yelling by now, and one of them had run into the building behind her. The man stayed still for another moment, paying no mind to the water dripping onto him. After another minute, he turned and began to walk away, never looking back. Annie let her gaze wander back to the clouds still pouring water down onto the city. Such power. Finally she turned away, slowly making her way back to her room.

She had to be right. After all, if she didn't understand Atlas, then who did?

Pitter-patter. Pitter-patter.


All rights go to the creator, Atterozen!

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