Like you and me?

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I walk to the bench.
The others have already left.
Steve follows me.
I ignore him.
I take my bottle and go to the exit.
„Wait." he says.
I don't look at him.
„Y/N, please, just a minute."
He walks up to me.
„What happened?" he asks.
I look at my hands.
„Nothing." I answer.
He's standing next to me, looking at my hands.
„If nothing happened, then why are you bleeding?"
„I don't wanna talk about it."
„That's okay, just let me help you clean it."
I nod.
„Good." Steve says and we walk to the lifts together.
It's silent.

We go to the common room, where Wanda and Natasha are. I walk right behind him and try not to look at neither of them.
„Sit down, I'll be back in a minute." he says.
I do as he says and sit down on a easy chair.
My hands start to hurt, I've only now realized it.
I sigh.
Steve comes back with something to clean and bandage my hands. He wipes away the blood, my knuckles are red. Wanda looks worried at me, she knows the truth, Natasha doesn't.
„What's on your mind?" he asks as he starts to disinfect it.
„Training." I answer shortly.
„Only that?"
I nod.
Natasha and Wanda have left after Steve finished bandaging my knuckles.
I sit back.
„You trained very well." he says as he sits down on the couch.
„I mean you're more careful."
„I know."

We talked for a while until Steve got a call from Tony.
„I'm sorry." he says and stands up. „Tell me if you need something."
I nod and watch him walk off.
After some moments I decide to go to my room.
When I walked out of the lift, I see Bucky coming out of his room. He hasn't seen me, so I get invisible and walk past him.
„Я видел тебя." he says.
(„I saw you.")
I stop and look at him.
„давай, позволь мне увидеть твое красивое лицо."
(„Come on, let me see your pretty face.")
I sigh and get visible again.
Bucky looks at me but then my hands.
„What happened?" he asks confused and wants to take them.
I let him.
„Nothing, it's alright." I answer.
„You sure?"
I look at him.
„You're not, do you wanna talk about it?"
I nod.
„Come in." he says and opens his room again.
I hesitatingly walk in.
„Please, sit down." he says as he closes the door.
I sit down on his bed.
„Now, what's going on in your mind?" Bucky asks and sits down next to me.
All I can do is lie to him.
I can't say what Natasha said.
„I.. no Natasha and I had.. and argument." I begin to tell.
„Abou what?"
„She.. I- I don't.."
„You don't have to tell me."
I look at him.
„I trust you." I say.
His eyes widen a bit, he definitely didn't expect that.
„Well, I'm very honoured." he replies.
I smile slightly.
„She began to talk about the traning, specifically our fights.."
„And? Why'd you have a argument." Bucky asks.
I look away.
„She.." I sigh. „She made comments."
„About our training? Isn't that a good thing?"
„Not the training." I say.
Our eyes meet.
„About us."
„Like you and me?"
I nod and look away again.
His heartbeat gets faster.
Out of the corner of my eye I see how he blushes slightly.
„And I told her to stop, she said things like ‚Have you seen how he looks at you?' or ‚Seems like you both know eachother for decades.' We don't! I told her I haven't known her or you or anyone on the team for a week!"
He looks down sadly, I think that hurt him a bit.
„I'm sorry." I say.
„I understand, I mean you're right, you don't know any of us. But you just fit in, it really feels like you've been here from the start."
„A part of me, but I don't remember.." I say.
„не беспокойся об этом, ты будешь в порядке."
(„Don't worry about it, you'll be fine.")
I look at him and smile slightly.
He smiles back and puts an arm around me, his heart beating a bit fast.
I hug him.
„большое.. спасибо."
(„Thank you.. so much.")
He hugs me back and pets my head.
His heart beats very fast.
He's in love.

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