Chapter 2

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I now sit cross-legged on my hotel bed, organizing my weapons. I just got a call from my head, congratulating me on my effective kill and informing me of my next assignment: to kill the eldest son of one of the other highly-regarded officials.

I sigh as I pick up a vial of blood-thirsty microbes.

For some reason, they can't seem to allow me to join in on the United Republic of the States' most highly-regarded project yet: the assassination of the Soviet Communist Republic's dictator, Cyzarine Ilya Kotov.

I met the dictator once or twice while on my missions. She was charmingly devious, you could say. She loved to brainwash her officials and commanders. So, indeed, she was just like her name: royal. You would never see her wearing a business suit or any of that sort. Cyzarine will always show up with the latest fashion trend, or better yet, make a new fashion trend, as if her life depended on it.

This was why I didn't like her one bit.

While the rest of the Soviet Communist Republic suffered lack of healthcare and food insecurity, she was lounging in the capital, exploiting most, if not all, of her country's valuable assets and resources to her and her officials' luxury lifestyles and to aid at the war fronts.

Isn't it illogical to not have one of your prodigy assassins be part of one your most important projects yet?

Nonetheless, I understand that they have their reasons.

I look down at my watch, which is currently giving my brain information on my next victim. I blink once to see an update appear at the left, bottom corner of her vision. It told me how much left there was to download. 16%.

I sigh again as I blink once more to make the update disappear. I touch the computer chip implanted at the back of my skull. As small as a penny and as uncomfortable as it sounds, it is extremely essential to have it, especially because I am an assassin. I need to be able to know as much information as I can about my victim. Back then, during the beginning of the 21st century, assassins would have to search up information about their victims, which took an unnecessary amount of time.

And I certainly couldn't afford such time.

I checked once again, but this time the download was complete. I sigh as I will the new information to come flooding in. As my eyes gloss over their medical records, interview articles, and other pieces of personal information. My victim was a 15 year-old male named Andrei Mikhaylov, who was dyslexic and had the Communist Republic wrapped around his finger? Even though he voiced his opinion of how a communist republic was better than a republic and how the Soviet Communist Republic was better than all the other nations because of its superiority, there were rumors going around that he was carrying out an underground revolution.

That last bit of information made me want to roll my eyes. Nobody would ever fall for a trick like that. I sigh. The Soviet Communist Republic really thought that we were that dumb. Well, when I murder one of their most beloved political assets, let's see how idiotic they thought we were.

Either way, it was time to get ready.

I put the vial back in its place and pack everything up.

As I walked down the hotel steps with all of my stuff towards the car waiting for me at the entrance, I could feel someone's eyes on me. I looked around, but I couldn't see anything. Luckily, my sensors picked up some movement in the parking lot. As I looked in that direction, I noticed that there was a sports car with tinted windows, so I couldn't see who was looking at me from within the car. But, based on the way the figure was positioned in the car, it was evident that they had some kind of malicious intent.

I make sure to keep a leisurely pace as I walk towards my car. After I climb into the vehicle, I make eye-contact with the driver, who immediately understands the situation. As the driver pulls out of the parking lot, she pulls out a vial of poisonous gas and hands it to me. Knowingly, I pull out an ID chip and hand it to her. She thanked me and put the chip in a plastic container and slipped it into one of her hidden pockets within her suit. The undercover agent suggests I take a nap as she drives me to my destination 4 hours away.

I sigh as I look out the window and close my eyes. 

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