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My heart thumped louder and louder, resonating within me like an untamed drum. It yearned to break free from the confines of my chest, as if seeking an escape. The Kelpie's intentions remained veiled in ominous uncertainty, and I had no desire to uncover its sinister plans.

"Approach that boy any closer, and witness the dire consequences," Oh warned, irritation lacing his voice. His stern expression conveyed his seriousness, but the Kelpie seemed unaffected, even taking a deliberate step toward me. Doubt clouded my senses. Did my eyes deceive me? Blinking, I found Oh and the Kelpie vanished from their previous positions. It was as if they had evaporated into thin air. However, scanning the surroundings, I spotted them at the well's edge. Oh had pinned the Kelpie against the well's wall, their legs dangling helplessly. The Kelpie fought relentlessly, emitting desperate grunts. To worsen matters, Oh held a fiery orb in his free hand, menacingly drawing it closer to the Kelpie's face.

"That's enough. I'll put an end to this creature," the Lamia swore, visibly agitated as she hurried towards them. Yet, Odysseus beat her to it, swiftly arriving at the scene and forcefully separating the two adversaries, pushing them far apart. He then directed a piercing question at the Phoenix, his voice crescendoing with frustration.

"Why are you so fixated on the Human?!" he bellowed. "Why?! Didn't we agree not to harm anyone?" He continued berating Oh for breaking his prior commitments. Oh remained utterly silent, leaving me bewildered as to why he would go to such lengths to protect me. What role did I play in this intricate predicament that led him to harm his own kind? Urgently, I needed answers, for frustration and confusion began to consume me. The lack of any recollection from before my arrival in this place was already an exasperating enigma.

"I'm tired!" Oh finally spoke, his eyes blazing as he pressed on. "I am frustrated, alright! None of you are cooperating. I simply want us to escape, but you refuse to listen!" His breath quickened, and he struggled to regain composure.

A sudden silence fell over our surroundings after his unexpected confession. All eyes fixated on the Phoenix as he gingerly sat down, attempting to catch his breath.

"I'm scared, alright!" he continued, pausing momentarily before shaking his head as if regretting his admission. "Yes! I'm scared. I don't want to remain trapped here indefinitely. It's suffocating! Can you all, just for once, try to understand why a human is here, despite the existence of a veil between our worlds? Have you even considered it!?"

"Enough already!" Odysseus interjected, his voice resonating through the silence. "We're all scared, just like you! Do you think any of us would willingly choose to be here?" He paused, frustration evident as he scratched his head and sat down beside Oh.

"Since we seem to be having a confession session, I too have something to share," the Lamia spoke up. Her anger seemed to have dissipated, replaced by a touch of compassion stirred by Oh's confession. Or perhaps it was merely an act. Nonetheless, her next words caught us off guard. "I do not wish to harm the boy" The only sound that broke the stillness was the whisper of wind rustling through the well. "What?" she inquired, studying each of us one by one, seeking a reaction. When her eyes locked with mine, I quickly turned my gaze away, prompting a chuckle from her before she began her speech.

"Here's the thing..." she paused, finding a comfortable spot to sit and clearing her throat before resuming her talk. Suddenly, her next question plunged us into a bewildering maze of confusion and disbelief. "Wait, you don't believe me"

Laughter suddenly filled the room as Odysseus and Oh erupted in instinctive, hysterical mirth, each with a unique pitch. Somehow, their laughter managed to dispel some of my frustration, kindling a glimmer of joy within me. I found myself unable to suppress a smile. After all, who would believe someone who had been desperately trying to harm me just moments ago? If it weren't for Oh and Odysseus, I might not have survived.

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