Activity: I'm Batman... Oops, wrong person

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What better way to kick off the party than with getting to know your fellow fandom enthusiasts?

Answer the following questions in the comments. Who knows? You might find a new friend!

1) List all the fandoms/your favorite fandoms you are a part of.

2) Current favorite fandom?

3) What was your first fanfiction that you read about?

4) Who is your favorite fictional character?

5) Which fictional character would you like to meet in person?

6) What is your ultimate OTP?

7) What other ships do you cheer for?

8) What is your favorite fangirling/fanboying moment that you experienced in a fandom?

9) What was the first fandom you belonged to?

10) What fandoms are you looking to join soon? Why?

11) If two of your fandoms did a crossover/collab, which ones would they be and why?

12) Which two characters from different fandoms would make good friends?

13) Which two characters from different fandoms would hate each other?

14) Which two characters from different fandoms would fall in love?

15) If you could be reborn and had the opportunity to pick one of your fandoms to be reborn in, which one would you choose?

16) If you could be any character and live in that world, which would you choose? Why?

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