chapter one

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Asta ascended up the spiral staircase en route to the Astronomy Tower. The air grew cooler with a refreshing crispiness that filled her lungs with each step. As she rounded the last step and pushed open the wooden door, she spotted a figure standing near the edge. It was Draco. His silvery-blond hair was illuminated by the moonlight as he stared up at the starry sky. He turned around upon hearing the door open, eyebrows scrunched in confusion. "What are you doing up here?" He asked ."Oh sorry I didn't think anyone would be up here "  she said looking up at him. Draco raised a brow, his expression one of utter disdain,
his lip curling in a sneer. His voice dripping with sarcasm now.
"Well, it's good to know that you at least understand the concept of boundaries. I'd think you of all people would know that you can't just barge into places you're not meant to go into. "
His eyes narrowed and his nose scrunched in a look that could be only interpreted as disgust.
"Master Dumbledore said I was allowed to , " Asta said looking at him but still standing by the door.
Draco's face contorted in an expression of pure rage and hatred. He looked at her disdainfully, his body tensing as though he might strike. His fists clenched at his side with
such force that the pale skin around his knuckles turned bright white. The vein in his temple bulged and his eye twitched.
"Master Dumbledore?"
Spittle sprayed from his mouth as he hissed, his eyes still burning with fury.
"That old git has a lot to answer for."
He growled, raising his eyebrow.
"Chill" she said as she turned to leave "I'll just go" she said the darkness hiding her some but some of the moon light shines on her, her yellow golden eyes and white moon like hair. She was facing the opposite direction as she started to climb back down
Draco watched her go, the glare never leaving his eyes. His lip still twisted in a snarl. Before she could exit the door he spat out
"Don't ever speak to me again." He hissed
"Jerk" she whispers under her breathe
walking down and leaving him up there.
Draco smirked, turning back to look back up at the stars. His chest rose and fell in a slow, steady breath, his hands resting at his sides. It was as though the girl had never spoken to him at all.
Asta got into a tree at the bottom and stood on the top watching the stars.  She got down out of the tree and laid her blanket on the ground laying on it as she watched the stars. As she layed there her chest rose and fell from her normal breathe as she laid there. The cold air didn't really bother her to much .
Draco glanced over his shoulder, an amused smirk forming on his full, pink lips. He watched the girl lying down, before grinning at her from ear to ear. The corners of his eyes crinkled a little. He was silent for a few moments, staring at her with a mischievous glint in his eyes. Suddenly,  he laughed so hard that he began to hiccup
When he stopped after he caught his breath, he spoke up,  still giggling.
"You're really quite the little moron, you know that?" He said
Asta looks up at him but never said a word.  She moved her moon white hair from her yellow golden eyes that shone like stars in the moonlight.
Draco's eyes narrowed, filled with curiosity and wonder. They looked like orbs of amber,shining in the moonlight.
He tilted his head, and spoke.
"What are you doing lying in the dirt like that? Is there some meaning to this, or are you just a little crazy?" He said
"Watching the stars" she said looking at him  "I'm not crazy but it's the best way to see them " she said
Draco's eyes widened, a grin forming on his lips as he watched her. He couldn't help but notice just how beautiful she looked in the moonlight. His voice was now filled with mischief, as he spoke.
"Well, I guess laying in the dirt is fitting, for someone who looks like such a peasant." He laughed, but the cruelty in his eyes belied his smile.
"Yeah I gues so " she said laying back down as she went back to watching the stars
Draco narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest, looking down at her with a smug expression. He spoke again, this time with a bit of amusement in his voice
"So, what exactly are the stars doing for you tonight? Are they telling you your fortune or something?"
"No just being there being beautiful as they are, "  she said not moving from her spot . Draco rolled his eyes, his voice dripping with sarcasm.
"Of course. As if a dunderhead like you could even comprehend the stars."
He laughed, shaking his head.
"Well if you must know Cygnus is just above you, Leo is three feet from you to the left and well Ursa major is on the right side of you four spaces from you and behind you is Tarus  and Aries"
Draco raised an eyebrow, a little impressed
" You're an astrologist, huh? "
His tone now full of a taunting derision
"Did you pick that up in Muggle  studies?"
"I didn't learn it from any books my grandfather Tought me them he knew the stars well he was a sailor and use them to navigate in the ocean. "  she said
A look of genuine surprise crossed his face.
"So the stars have a meaning?"
He paused for a moment, looking up into the sky.
"I've never really paid attention to them before.. My father said that I should focus on more important things."
"If you ever get lost certain ones will guide you home there's always a few that stay where home is to lead you back " she said
Draco listened intently, his attention riveted as her words seemed to spark something in him.
" So you're saying that any one of these stars could help me navigate my way home from here to the Malfoy manor? I could just look up to the sky and let them guide me there?" He asked
"Of course not only will they lead you but guide you as well" she said

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