Chapter 4: Entering Our Next Plan

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Author Note: Anyways can you comment me some ideas for next chapter! Thank you!
Hanako POV:
Mother told us the plan one more time. Me and Nezuko are supposed to becomes Oirans. Probably because we get inside information and can devour people and not be suspected. It was a good idea. And Nezuko is going to be a great Oiran due to her being very secretive and good-looking. Lucky her. I'm supposed to be an Oiran too. But I'm too young at the moment. But I work at the Tokito House along with my older sister. She's already doing great. I should write a letter to Oka-San. (mother)
Hey Oka-San! It's me Hanako. Me and Nezuko are doing well. We've captured a few people and took them to the food storage underground just thought I'd tell you just in case you haven't killed or ate in awhile. Nezuko ate a little girl who works for us and nobody assumed it was her. We got a new one of course. This is getting boring. I want more excitement. I want to see Takeo or something. I need action. Oh by the way. We have someone named Makio here. She's suspicious. Capture her and take her to the food storage. Now that should be it! Nezuko will write soon!
-Hanako <3
There all done. I'm gonna send this to her now.
Nezuko: "Hanako? What are you doing."
Hanako: "Updating from our previous letter."
Nezuko: "Oh. Any news on this "Makio" that works here?"
Hanako: "I've seen her writing in her room. A couple times."
Nezuko: "Hm. That's suspicious."
Hanako: "I'm planning to trap her in the attic tonight."
Nezuko: "People will get suspicious of her disappearance. We'll need more time to plan and think this through."
Hanako: "Aw bummer. But true."
Nezuko POV:
I suppose I should write to mother and Tanjiro. Maybe my other siblings. Just maybe.
Nezuko: "Hanako. I'm going to go do some writing."
Hanako: "Alright. I'm going to go tease some of the little girls who work for us."
Hanako rushes off and sit down and begining writing.
Nezuko's Letter:
Hey Tanjiro. Hello mother. I hope you all have ate. How's Sheiguru, Takeo and Rokuta doing? Is Rokuta's speech getting better? I sure hope so. You'd think behind the demon in us there's still some good in us. How is Takeo's flood attack? Without it our plan won't work. I can't wait to take out a whole district!! It was a really good idea to take out the district!

A Demonic EraDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora