Chapter III: haunting memories & old wounds

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Chapter III:
Hunting memories & old wounds

A man start chasing Ellie down the street. He grabs her by the hair and pulls her closer to him as she let's out a scream. She feel someone shaking her and she jolt awake.

Ellie look's around frantically not really knowing where she is. She feels a pair of arms wrap around her and holding her closely to him.

Ellie recognise the sent straight away. It is Tyler. When she realise who it is she start's crying into his chest. He runs his hands through her hair and holds her tightly in his arms.

"Shhh... shhh... it's okay princess. I've got you. I've got you. You're safe. You're safe" he whispers softly into Ellie's hair.

Ellie clutch onto his shirt and hold onto it tightly as tears roll down her cheeks. "H-he... h-he" Ellie's stutter out as she cry.

Tyler holds his arms around her tighter and rest his chin on the top of her head. He run his hand up and down her back slowly, trying to bring her some comfort.

There's soft knock on the door. It opens and Maya walks into the room. Ellie quickly sit up from Tyler and wipes the tears away. She take a deep breath and look at her little sister.

"What?" Ellie asks. She tries as hard as she can to contain herself but her voice came out harsher than normal. She saw the look on her face and let out a sigh. "I'm sorry"

"Aunt Jenna asked me to check if you were awake. She want you downstairs soon" Maya says and start walking out of the room.

"I'll be right there" Ellie says to her as she shuts the door again.

Ellie let out a stressed sigh and run her hands through her hair. Tyler looks at her and place a comforting arm around Ellie. She leans into him and stay there for a moment. In that moment all she wanted was to stay in bed, feeling safe in Tyler's arms.

"I need to get dressed" Ellie says barley above a whisper.

"I'll wait downstairs. Go get dressed than I'll drive you to school" he says and starts getting out of the bed.

Ellie looks at him and nod her head. He smiles softly at her and close the door behind him. She sits on the bed for a moment before getting out.

Ellie walks over to her closet and find an outfit to wear. She picks out a white dress with blondes and a black belt, a black leather jacket and a pair of white converse.

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