"I think I'm getting déjà vu."

"I think it must be a Potter tradition at this point."

RON: Whoa!

[A bit later, Harry, Halley and Ron are not sitting together eating bundles of sweets. Ron's rat, Scabbers, is perched on Ron's knee, a box over his head.]

HARRY: Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans?

RON: They mean every flavour! There's chocolate and peppermint, and there's also spinach, liver and tripe. George sweared he got a bogey-flavoured one once!

Halley turned to glare at Harry who turned away and whistled innocently.

"This idiot gave me a stinky sock flavour. It was bloody disgusting!"

[Harry quickly takes the bean he was chewing out of his mouth. Halley watches the boys in amusement, particularly Harry because it seemed like he knew very little about magic.]

HARRY: [picks up a blue and gold package] These aren't real frogs, are they?

RON: It's just a spell. Besides, it's the cards you want. Each pack's got a famous witch or wizard. I got about 500 myself. How many have you got?

HALLEY: I don't know, maybe a two thousand or so.

[ Ron gapes at the number. Harry opens the package, and a chocolate frog jumps onto the window and climbs up.]

Remus laughs, "I have six thousand."

His friends groan at his boast, none of them have gotten close to beating his amount. That chocolate addict.

RON: Watch it!

[The frog reaches the open gap in the window and jumps out. Halley laughs quietly at the disappointed look on Ron's face, to which he sent her an innocent glare.]

RON: Oh, that's rotten luck. They've only got one good jump in them to begin with.

HARRY: [seeing Dumbledore's image in the card] I've got Dumbledore!

RON: I got about six of him.

HALLEY: Not to brag, but I've got like thirteen.

[Harry looks at the card again, but Dumbledore has vanished.]

HARRY: Hey, he's gone!

RON: Well, you can't expect him to hang around all day, can you? [Scabbers squeaks] This is Scabbers, by the way. Pathetic, isn't he?

HARRY: Just a little bit.

HALLEY: (murmurs) just a bit.

RON: Fred gave me a spell as to turn him yellow. Want to see?

HARRY: Yeah!

RON: [clears throat] Ahem. Sun-

[A girl called Hermione Granger, with bushy brown hair, dressed in robes, appears at the doorway.]

HERMIONE: Has anyone seen a toad? A boy named Neville's lost one.

[Harry and Halley shakes their heads.]

RON: No.

HERMIONE: Oh, are you doing magic? Let's see then.

RON: [clears throat again] Sunshine, daises, butter mellow, turn this stupid fat rat yellow!

[He zaps Scabbers, but nothing happens. Ron shrugs.]

HERMIONE: Are you sure that's a real spell? Well, it's not very good, is it? Of course, I've only tried a few simple ones myself, but they've all worked for me. For example...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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