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~At recess in class~

The guys from the class surrounded the newcomers, they wondered why Sean had the same last name as Haizaki Ryohei. Which one was also surrounded as she looked like Yuma. Three guys wanted to talk to them, but they realized that it was better to do it at training or after school, as they would catch someone from the newcomers anyway.

~After lessons in training~

Sean still joined the football club, and Kagura decided to join not as a player, but as a manager.

Sean: Are you sure you don't want to?
Kaguya: I don't have to play to see all your joints. And good luck to you to survive under my father's command~

She said with a sweet smile. Soon the guys from the team came up to them.

Kazuya: So these are the new ones who made a fuss at our school?

Yoshiya approached Kaguya and began to examine her.

Yoshiya: She really looks like our captain.

Kaguya suddenly hugged her. Yoshiya didn't expect this, but she didn't push her away either, she hugged her back.

Yoshiya: Compared to Nosaka, she is much nicer.
Takemi: It feels like we're looking at his female version. Are you by any chance related?

He asked curiously.

Kaguya: As you know~

She said with a smile on her face. Kaguya and Yoshiya broke their embrace.

Rajin: Please tell us!
Ichihoshi: And I'm more interested in why she has the same last name as Anna, and Shona, Haizaki?...
Nishikage: We missed another Anna here...
Yuma: Come on, she was our manager only during the national team. Now she has left and returned to her duties as president of "Raymond".
Yoshiya: From where do you know this?
Yuma: She said it herself when she came to us. If I'm not mistaken, her Ootani asked her to give something to Ichihoshi.
Ichihoshi: And yes, I remember, I left early then and she passed it through you.
Kaguya: Nosaka-san, do you still communicate with Anna-san?
Yuma: Not really. We very rarely communicate, so sometimes, when we meet by chance, we exchange a couple of words.
Kaguya and Sean: Then you need to resume communication!

They said confidently, Nosaka was a little surprised.

Nishikage: I didn't think I'd say this, but they're right.
Ichihoshi: I agree.

At that moment, two girls came. When one of them noticed Kagyu and Sean, she was horrified, as were these two.

Kaguya: Jay and Anj... Long time no see.

She said with a malicious smile.

Jay: Kaguya... Why are you here?...
Kaguya: I came to fix the error.

She looked at her contemptuously, and then at Ange.

Ichihoshi: Why do I feel a gloomy atmosphere here?

Nosaka clapped his hands, thereby attracting attention to himself.

Yuma: Well, to begin with, it's worth introducing you to our newcomers. Heizaki Sean, our new player in the team. Mikado Kaguya, she's our new manager.
Jay: We are glad to welcome you to the team!

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