Season 1 Episode 30: Wally, (Y/N), and Anne

Start from the beginning

Anne: No, wait. Come back! You're so cool. (coughs out the butterfly as the Plantars arrive)

Hop Pop: There you two are.

Anne: (gasps for air) You guys just missed it.

Sprig: What, you barfing up a butterfly? Naw, we totally saw that.

Polly: Not as impressive as (Y/N) coughing up a miniature spider at breakfast.

(Y/N): Well, that's what happens when cobwebs aren't dealt with.

Anne: (shakes her head) No, no, no, no. There was this magical creature made of moss. It was beautiful. (Y/N) saw it, as well.

The Plantars look between each other, before bursting into laughs of disbelief, confusing both Anne and (Y/N).

Sprig: Good one, Anne. You and (Y/N) saw the old "Moss Man," right?

Anne: (confused) Yeah, that sounds about right.

(Y/N): (confused) Though, it doesn't explain why you guys are laughing.

Hop Pop: Anne, (Y/N), the Moss Man's a myth. Only crazy people and gullible tadpoles believe in it.

Anne: Wait. You're telling me you guys (pulls out her phone and shows pictures) have giant fire-breathing beavers and mutant centipedes, but you don't believe in this?

Sprig: (calmly) Well, yeah, we've seen those. Look, your world might have stuff like flying machines and magic memory boxes. But we don't have weird stuff like that here. (huddles with Hop Pop and Polly while smiling) This is just a normal town.

(Y/N): He does have a point, Anne. What we consider normal in our world is abnormal to this world, and vice versa.

Anne: (snaps and raises her voice) You're talking frogs! (takes a deep breath) Never mind. I'm done talking about it.

(Y/N): (smirks) Wanna bet? (Anne nods at him) If you aren't done talking about it, you have to give me any remaining chocolate bars you still have. (extends his hand out)

Anne: Deal. (shakes his hand) Prepare to be beaten.

That little bet doesn't last two whole minutes, as when boarding Bessie, Anne continues to keep talking about her and (Y/N) seeing the "Moss Man" for the whole ride back to Wartwood.

Anne: I am NOT done talking about it!

Polly: (groans) Still? At least (Y/N) isn't copying you.

(Y/N): That's because I know when a pointless argument is truly pointless. (smiles) Besides, it's funny watching Anne rant on like an angry critic. Especially since I get to have any chocolate bars she may be hiding.

Polly: (pouts) Lucky.

(Y/N): I'll spilt them fifty-fifty with you. (Polly beams)

Anne: (still ranting) I'm telling you guys, we saw it, we saw it, we saw it! Tell them, (Y/N)!

(Y/N): I already told you to not make me part of your rants.

Hop Pop: Careful, Anne. You keep ranting and raving, you'll put One-Eyed Wally out of a job.

(Y/N): (ponders) I still don't know why people call him that.

Sprig: It's a nickname eveyone in Wartwood came up with. (realises something) Ha! Anne really does sound like Wally now!

(Y/N): (realises what Sprig said) You're right, she's turning into a conspiracy theorist!

Hop Pop: What are those, (Y/N)?

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