Kiss Me - 8 (smut)

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He walks into Uyuu Restaurant as I wait outside. A couple minutes later he emerges with a bottle of Inazuman sake and two cups to contain it in. I grab his hand again as we return to the Shakkei Pavilion.

"How do you do that and feel perfectly fine..?" He asks me, leaning on my shoulder

"Hm? Im used to it."

I put my hand to the door of the domain that's so familiar to me. It begins to open as I take Kazuha's hand, pulling him inside. Inside it, it's just as I remember.

"Kazuha is anyone in here?" I ask, if I'm gonna be drunk, I don't want strangers to be in here.

"No, it is just us." he confirms

"Good. I'm in a third form that's completely human so if anyone tries something here then I'm dead." I tell him

"No one will, I promise" he says

We sit down then I open the bottle of sake and fill the cups up with  the alcohol. I take a sip of mine and savour the taste in my mouth. I haven't tasted anything in decades. I've had no reason to be in my third form until now. I swallow it and look at Kazuha who's drinking his too.

"Just saying, I have a super low tolerance to alcohol. So whatever I end up doing in about 5 minutes, I'm drunk." I warm him

"I'll take note of that Kuni" he takes in

I take another sip of my drink then another, then one more. After I finish one cup, I begin to feel the effects of the alcohol kicking in. Kazuha seems to notice this.

"Are you drunk already..?" He asks in obvious disbelief

"No. I'm not." I say

It's a half lie. I'm not completely drunk but probably not completely sober. I pour myself another cup as Kazuha puts his first cup down empty. I drink more of my second cup as the feeling gets stronger.

" know what..? Maybe I am" I contradict myself

"Hehe~ I can tell that you are" Kazuha says in reply.

I slip the the clothing that covers my black shirt off of my shoulders so that the my arms and shoulders are almost fully visible. My shirt has no sleeves. I turn to Kazuha and finish my second cup in front of him.

"You're so pretty Kazu... I wanna kiss you..." I say, my words slurred

"Y-you can kiss me"

I manoeuvre my body so that I'm sitting on Kazuha's legs before fumbling at the small gap in his shirt where I can see his skin. This surprises Kazuha as his eyes widen and he blushes like crazy.

As I finally manage to open his shirt so that I can see his chest. I brush his sleeves off out of under his scarf so that his shirt completely falls to his waist.

I snake my arms around Kazuha's bare chest and create a line of kisses across his upper chest. Kazu takes his scarf off and lays it next to him. I think he's also drunk. Idk though. I move my attention to his neck and begin sucking on it.

"K-Kuni— that'll leave a mark— ngh-" he protested

At this I suck harder, making him let out a small moan. This changed something in me. I moved my hands down to his waistband and pulled the side of his pants down a little.

"K-Kuni you d-don't know what you're doing—..." he said through his surprise

"May I?" I ask him for permission to continue what I'm doing.

"Y-yes. Just don't do too much—" he answers

I strip his lower clothing off so that he's completely undressed except from his thigh high socks. Following what my head is telling me to do, I sink my head down to his member and begin to lick the tip.

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