Future Discussions and Brand Deals (2)

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Last nights training worsened my bad ankle more, the pain lingering today. I've been told that today is going to be full of interviews and meetings with various companies, something new amongst my training.

I awoke to banging on the door and my father shouting for me to get ready for training. No rest for the wicked when it came to running. Chucking back a handful of pain killers, I slipped my training kit and headed out the door. My dad was perched against the wall opposite with a smirk on his face, my training session was going to be tedious. As we started to walk towards the stadium, my father suddenly grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me towards him. He used this opportunity to whisper "stop limping, you're a winner. Don't be weak like your brother", tears welled in my eyes as I thought about my little brother. Shaking my head slightly after his release, I composed myself and tried to ignore my throbbing ankle. Eyes Forward.

Training went by slowly, each step felt heavier than the ones it followed. My dad stood with his stopwatch around his neck, grasped between his well-manicured fingers as he watched on. Each completed circuit caused a grimace to grace my dad's face as he looked on. He was silent but he didn't need to be. Just the quirk of his eyebrow or his lips pinching together told me he wasn't happy with my time. My breathing was irregular and my arms began to feel numb but I needed to continue, for my dad only.

"Maya Bishop" I heard a female voice shout as I reached the finish line. My dad turned in surprise as we spotted a journalist strolled towards us, followed by a cameraman. My dad spun around and our eyes met before I tread towards the journalist, making sure to stop any signs of pain grace my fake smile.

"This here is Maya bishop, the American gold medallist for the 1500m. A gold medal at your very first Olympics, you must be very proud of yourself" the journalist begins.

"I'm happy with my gold. I never thought I'd get here" I reply before taking a few sips of my drink. All too aware that once the journalist left, I will be reprimanded of drinking during training.

"We just interrupted your training. Are you training for another race? Do you think we can talk to your trainer?" she asks while I stretch my limbs, slowly feeling the blood circulation running around my body.

"I have a 10,000m race and then I am finished for the Olympics. Dad" I shout for him, hoping that this interview goes smoothly so we can get back to training.

"Hello Mr Bishop. You must be proud to be both Maya's father and trainer. How have you found training her for the Olympics?" the journalist asks, my dad circles an arm around my shoulders and shows off his charming grin.

"Of course, I'm proud. It's not every day that your own daughter wins a gold medal. She's very determined to stay eyes forward. Training her is just one way we can spend time together and make memories" He says in a cheerful tone, his arm tightening slightly around my shoulders as he speaks.

"Have you always coached Maya? What does staying eyes forward mean?" She asks and again his arms tighten around me. I'm sure to the camera, we look like a loving father and daughter duo.

"Since Maya was about 11 when she took an interest in running. She was being trained by the school she went to, but they just didn't push her enough. I'm sure she wouldn't have made it to the Olympics without me. Eyes forward is our mantra, eyes on the prize is what we live for. That's what makes Maya such a winner. She is prepared to enter a state of subconscious where she will keep going until she wins. I love that about her" He states, still grinning as he gazes down towards me.

"It sounds like you both are very determined. We wish you the best" The interview closes down and the cameras are switched off. My dad walks back towards the place he has claimed his own and looks over, beckoning to start training again.

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